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dorm smoking caughtish...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dear, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. alright GC heres the story probly going to be kinda lengthy and horribly written but lets go ahead and give it a go. alright so in the first week of the 2nd semester here at my college and myself and all of the guys got together in a room and decided tonight would be party night for some reason. so we went out to a party where numerous bong rips a joint and lots of alcohol was consumed. i only smoked. so then we come back to the room and somehow i dont even know how it happened but somehow a gb was started up in one of the suite rooms all tghe other sweet members are coolish with it. so then a bunch of those were taken and then i proceded to chill out in the common rooms and play some music. unfortunately someone turned the music up way too loud and it was quiet hours. so someone was called to the room for a sound .. violation or atleast to tell us to turn it down. so then we turned it off and was super apologetic and then she asked us if we had smoked cause our system somehow sucks i dont know how. we do it by a window with a fan.. blow out of sploofs use plenty of febreze and other covers and have a shower on in a bathroom thats between the main room and this suite room. somehow she smelled it. but anyways so its only me and one other dude in the common room everyone else was off having sex believe that or not. so i play it off as best as i can as im still blazed as a mother... and she left finally saying that we were fine but if it happened again they would call the cops. so then right after this i get super sketched as i would think anyone would so i split immediately and end up approaching the desk and hearing something about the suite i think smelling bad.. and then i hid in a bathroom for a little then finally made it to my room and i realized at that point i had left my backpack with some instruments in them in the room and i freaked out called someone back in the room and told them to take it up to a dift floor to hide it at a friends room just in case and he did but im still super sketched. of course never going to do that again in the suite. we had done it plenty before and each time we were just pushing our luck and we knew it. but for real going to stop that so dont even worry commentping on that. anyways im not really sure what i was originally trying to say. i just really wanted to tell that story. so yeah thats it. post similar i guess if you have? or say what you think might happen in this situation. will they go back up to the room tonight or really just drop it until there is next a sound violation or something and then screw us. not for MJ but undoubtedly for alcohol. so yeah im just going to stop typing now iv had enough. just so baked. alright. anyone who made it this far pat yourself on the back and hit whatever you undoubtedly have near you.:bongin:

    tldr: no no there isnt one im baked and that took a ton of effort read it if you want.
  2. your too paranoid....

    noone really gives a shit about you smoking weed in your dorm lol. just chilllax
  3. False.
  4. you should stash your stuff with a friend for awhile if you feel like playing it safe. if you feel like the person who caught you isnt going to report this first time then you are ok, for now.
  5. Paragraphs.

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