Dorm room Vaporizer tokeing station

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by hypnogreen, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Im loving the dorm room vaporizer. No smoke no smell no problem. + ive been saving so much weed since i set this up.

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  2. Nice man. I love using my Volcano in my dorm room, don't have to sketch out. :)
  3. i used to vape in my dorm, until we got shitfaced one night and vaped like 5 bowls and got busted :[
  4. i smoke mad bongs in my dorm. i have a suite style though, so my room isn't like right on the hallway. it never smells.
  5. i used to smoke every day in my room because my RA was ok with it. this semester i got a new RA that i haven't talked to yet. Upper class dorms here are so chill. They aren't dry and none of the RA's r going to bust you for weed... ive actually set the fire alarm off 2 times one of the times my RA was out so i needed to go get the police to reset it. The guy walked in saw the bob posters and said " so you say air freshener set the alarm off? {laugh}"..

    I love college

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