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Dorm Problem

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Coldgreenetea, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. So, we had a meeting today for our hall and there was someone who said that the hallway near me smells like weed. Now, the thing is, is that my buddy said it was soo strong it smelled like someone lit up in there....which probably would happen. It is known that about 10 at the least, smoke weed. With this said, a lot of them, I have met, said they just straight light it in their room. What I do is I go in the bathroom, and there is a vent that goes out and I blow the smoke into there and it sucks it in. I also use a nice sploof that has like 30 dryer sheets in it. Im using a bubbler too. Do you think I should stop smoking in my bathroom or not?
  2. id just open a window and blaze away.
  3. What I do in my room is throw a towel down by the crack of the door, turn off the light but turn on a lamp so it's kinda dim in there, turn my fan facing out the window and use a sploof. I wouldn't do it in the bathroom cause if someone goes to question you, you're kinda shit outta privacy. Just be careful cause if a bunch of people in your hall do it, they might call security to go door to door. Have a good stash spot, some febreeze, quality sploof, and just don't draw attention to yourself.
  4. I don't know how Campus Safety is at your school, but ours like to enter unannounced. They actually go door to door, listen for a bunch of laughter or bottles clinking (Christian college = dry campus) then enter the room. I just smoke in my car
  5. I don't know how your dorms are set up, but here we have a suite with 6 guys, 2 to a room, one bathroom and a common room. We've been smoking in our bathroom for the past two years and nothing has happened. It has a vent like yours and we just blow the smoke up there.

    As long as your room doesn't totally reek and you don't draw attention to yourself you should be fine. If they smelled weed I would probably lay low for a while, especially if there are a bunch of stoners on your hall.

    Just use your brain and don't be stupid, you should be fine.:D
  6. if youre area always smells like bud, make sure that it doesnt in your room. if the wrong person smells it, then they might wanna check the rooms. keep your stuff put away. ya dont wanna get busted for some one else toking in the area
  7. towel under the door doesnt always work, a buddy of mine got busted cuz they would take an antenna and push it under doors on random checks. as a fellow college student id say either get a bowl and blaze outside or vaporizer i use a VB hands free in my room all day and all night and my roommate doesnt smoke and he walks in 10 mins after i vape and doesnt smell a thing. Best investment i have made

  8. You sure they can just go in like that, no privacy? At my school if an RA comes to the door we're not required to open it, we can simply refuse. If they feel that there is a danger to anyone they can call campus police to come to the door and they can key into our rooms. But no one just comes in our room randomly like that, kinda fucked.
  9. Best advice is to just dont do it. Just smoke outside and keep low quantities of marijuana in your room. Trust me from my experience it is not worth it.

  10. Vape is the best for dorm smoking. They're expensive but so worth the investment and it'll pay for itself after a bit since you'll use drastically smaller amounts of weed. Literally .1g is enough to get you stoned as shit, same as smoking a few bowls. It's healthier, light smell and it's not even the standard weed smell, saves you money and you can save the vaped weed to make edibles later. :smoking:
  11. there is one very cheap, super stealth vape that actually works very well. That is the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer. Its less then 100 bucks, fits in the palm of your hand and runs on rechargable AA batteries.

    Overall a good vape is a college tokers best friend, theres no smoke so it doesnt smell(at least not like weed, and any smell is very faint), it conserves weed, and its healthier for your body.
  12. as a fellow college smoker your best bet is to smoke when you know no one is looking for it, meaning smoking aany where from 7AM to 5PM discrettly your good RA's are lookin to catch people at night and your good with the bathroom its perfect spot because even if your getting a random room check you can turn on the shower take your shirt off and answer the door with a towel, or just stay in the shower.

    And at night i cant tell you how easy this is !!!to smoke outside!!! at night roll a joint it looks like a ciggarette, if you smoke ciggarettes hold your box in your hand for some added effect or simply sit on a bench where you can see anyone coming, i have actually not gotten in trouble before because i went outside to smoke joint. RA's are looking to bust drinking and smoking inside, and campus police just drive around looking to break up parties or to catch retarts that walk to the outskirts of a campus to smoke, find a bench close to your dorm and smoke up you will be fine just try and stay away from parking lots.
  13. Vape is definitely the way to go but there are things you can do to keep the smell down. I used my bubbler all last semester 3-4 times a day at least everyday and never got caught. And they were patroling my floor randomly and busted 4 other rooms.

    Here was my system:
    1. Get a fan and put it on low out the window
    2. Put a towel under the door, spray it with a few squirts of febreeze
    3. Make a sploof
    4. Pack your bowl
    5. Move right next to the window
    6. Light and inhale :smoking:
    7. Either hold your piece near the fan, put it down right under the fan, or cover the bowl with your lighter to help eliminate the smoke that comes out of the bowl itself
    8. Blow your hit out through the sploof and make sure it all goes out of the room
    9. Spray febreeze occasionally, and definitely a few squirts after you're done

    You will be pretty safe this way unless they bring dogs, then you're pretty much fucked.

    Getting a vape is great though for many reasons.
  14. Thsi is pretty much my setup, minus the fan. above my door there is a vent coming in, and if i towel the bottom of the door, it creates a natural draft through the room out the window. sometimes I even have trouble keeping my lighter lit.
  15. If youre in a closed room with a vent fan dont put a towel under the door there will be a draft of fresh air coming in
  16. Try finding a buddy with a car and route the campus smoking up as much as possible. Goto a fast food joint and dine out, and hit up the dorms and drink some grape and play video games back in the dorms.
  17. In my dorm, they will bust your chops if you get caught lighting up. We usually venture outside somewhere, there's a path not too far from a section of dorms here, and there's also a picnic table area in a back corner next to a building. We also have a middle school nearby, but if you get caught in the courtyard you're cornered. There's the playground, the road behind campus that if you walk straight down it youll end up in the ghetto... just hook up with some people and see if they know any good spots. or venture out to find one yourself! you could be greedy and not share the spot with anyone else, lol. but if you do scope out spots, look for escape routes, accesibility, cameras, distance from schools or police stations, so on and so forth.
  18. If your hall never has complaints on it the go for it.
  19. If you smoke outside your fine what you need to remeber is a few simple rules

    1.Being out in the open is fine and is prefered.
    2. While blunts are awsome roll some joints
    3. have someone who has cig, to make it look like your just smoking cigs
    4. Benches that are close to buildings but a decent distance from roads and parking lots.
    5. Never go to outskirts if your seen your done campus police are going to know why your out late at night so far away from the campus i have seen so many people caught this way.

    Bottom line college kids always smoke cigs always have always will if your close to a building the worst that is going to happen is campus police is going to drive past and see a kid who looks like there smoking a cig and keep it moving just avoid being close to roads or parking lots because u risk the chance of someone like a RA or something coming out of there car or going to there care or a cop having there window down and smelling it. No campus police officer is going to come out of there car walk all the way to the bench because it might be a joint. basically pick naturall places if your in the back of a park or in the woods, or some isolated place you may feel safe if its quiet but by the chance a cop does come by your done because ur reason for being there wont be a legit one. Look natural and just blend in being outside is the safest place for a college student much safer then the bathroom vent trick which i have done many times pretty much the dorms is hot they are looking to bust kids. outside you smoke comeback inside and ur stress free
  20. You don't happen to be a spartan do you? Well anyways we would put a mattress we took from the basement over the door have the fans in the bedrooms blowing air in and the fan in the room we were smoking in blowing out. The wind ripped through there so fast that the flame on the lighter would lay flat. As to the police issue, they can't enter your room unless you let them in in the state of michigan. Always lock the door and never open it. They need a search warrant to enter. Last year we had a cop sit outside our room for an hour saying how he was gonna get a drug dog and all that kinda stuff. We just cut the lights and went to bed. Just make sure you have some Rhoto Vs and this air freshener called Ozine. It contains ozone which breaks down the microbes that cause the odor. The shit is magic. Sorry for the long post

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