Alright guys I just moved into my dorm at KU about a week ago. I've been basically binge drinking ever since I got here. This thread is dedicated to all the people in dorms and in college because this life fucking owns! Say somethin if you live in a dorm or on campus or some shit similar
Well, not really a dorm... but iv been sharing an apartment with 2 close friends of mine since i was 17.
freshman year is definately the best. Make your grades though! Once you get to be a junior things start to change a bit. Youll actually have to start taking hard classes and worrying about graduating n shit. Ive got one more year left and ill try to make the best of it....Some advice though....get laid as many times as possible you wont regret it...
U of AZ, moved in a couple days ago. The hunnies are all over the place, and my hall is all girls except for me and my roomate! Not a big fan of drinking though
Dorm life was fun but crazy. The fire alarms where the worst part about my freshmen year at UC. On the night before final exams in a HUGE snow storm the fire alarm was pulled 3 fucking times that night. 3! I remember during the 2nd there was a freezing rain falling and it took almost 45 min to get back inside. The cops were acting like dicks as well and needless to say people were starting to get pissed. They accually broke out the fucking riot gear for a bunch of college freshmen. After getting in and crawling into bed I remember hearing the damn thing go off again, for the thrid time, my roommate just started screaming 'fuck no' and slamming his fist into his pillow. I just started laughing and took the time to roll up a j, popped a couple adderall, and said fuck sleep for the night. Thank god for drugs.
im in college at msu right now and i have to say im not enjoying it. im not disliking it either, but so far, no drinking, and only 1 smoke up. college is supposed to be better than this :-(
I drank myself into hating alcohol freshman year. My first 7 days before class are just a huge blur to me now. stbenard: msu (michigan state, i'm assuming though it could be mississippi st.) can be tough to find stuff to do since its so spread out, meet everybody in your dorms, i'm sure you'll be able to find some good parties once you meet enough people. oh, and be prepared to pay $5 at a lot of parties there, which sucks majorly
I'm looking forward to this fall... I have so much chilling with new and interesting people to do. And of course, gotta think about grades. But eh, studying and going to class doesn't take up the whole day!
dorms were fun, but i don't miss it one bit. I like having a nice, quiet apartment all to myself where i don't have to yell at anyone to clean up their shit, quit fucking your fat girlfriend in my shower, or do the damn dishes!
welcome to u of a man! i've been drinking nonstop but since classes start tomorrow this was my first sober day. lame, i wish i could party more but im taking a lot of units this year. sucks
just got done moving some more of my stuff into my dorm, blazed out my homies. best way to start the year. btw my room has a great view which makes blazin outside soooo much better
I'm going up to my school in 2 days, and moving in in 4. I'm gonna blaze up a bowl the day I move in.
I leave in two days to go to western state. Packing fucking sucks though. I end up smoking way to much and I get really lazy.
I lived in the dorms at Astate my freshman year, and the first semester of my sophmore year.. Dorm life was great, and I cherish alot of those memories. Its all about networking man, greet people, be friendly, go to the frat parties..those are the best places to meet new friends who like to party and the better looking girls always go there, thinking its the popular thing to kids, its only the first week, you cant expect to have everything handed into your lap?