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Dopest dope I have ever smoked...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by CentiZen, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. So I picked up a quarter of this dank for 80 dollars. Quite a bit more than what I would usually pay (100 a half o usually), but my guy assured me that this would be the best dope ever and I would not regret paying extra. I didn't.

    Holy fuck this shit got me blazed. I'm used to dank, it's all I buy, and I usually do a whole bowl and get pretty high. But this is lovingly hand grown sour diesel, and a hit of this out of a bong was enough to give me closed eye specular effects. It was like my first time all over again, only better.

    Heres a pic of it in my grinder:

    Anyone ever gotten a pickup like this before, one that just blows your mind at how good it is?
  2. aww cmon man, I wanted to see a picture of a sexy nug :(
  3. #3 CentiZen, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I'll be honest, it dosen't look very sexy, but it is without a doubt the best dope I have ever had.

  4. Blah why do people call weed dope? It isn't.

    I can see some crystals on that nug despite the blurry pic, enjoy that smoke I need to pack a bowl up myself.

    Edit: Btw you get that grinder at your local rutters or other gas station? 99 percent sure that is the same one my friend has...they work really nice.
  5. Dope = meth
    lol @ "I usually do a bowl and i get pretty high"
    Jesus christ man you're not tieing off a limb.

  6. Acually, got it at a convenience store. And yeah, it works great.
  7. He was quoting Pineapple Express breh
  8. nice nugg looks good, i fixed your pic to see it better if you dont mind.


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