Doomsday Prepers

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by GreenTheGiant, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. Shit son, them wetnaps can be traded for an Ipod charge.. (If your post wasn't derived from The Book of Eli, then this probably makes no fucking sense)

  2. Ww3 probably won't be on us soil and if the sun explodes no amount of prepping will save you
  3. Minus guns and ammo i'm pretty sure I got everything I need at home
  4. [quote name='"thelizardkin"']

    Ww3 probably won't be on us soil and if the sun explodes no amount of prepping will save you[/quote]

    Solid point about the sun

    But if ww3 did happen, there would be bombs dropped on us and Canadian cities.
  5. When society goes out the window, so does it's rules. If it happens, I'm goin HAM.:D
  6. Bows, posiin tipped arrows(back up supply of posion dart frogs), weed, my cat. If in need my cat has approximately 10 lbs of lean meat, if not he is a useless 23lb turd.
  7. i'm going to join The Raiders and put all my attribute points into blunt weapons and hand to hand combat

  8. I can get you those if you want but their not toxic in captivity
  9. You got to mentally prep- sure you have 6 months of food, what if something happens and you gotta vacate the house in a couple seconds? How you gunna carry all that food and water? What IF you must travel a couple miles? You ain't gunna outrun bandits or any type of trouble with heavy ass food and water on ya., an walking around with supplies during a SHTF scenario will oly attract unwanted attention.
    Be smart, save guns/ ammo an cigarettes (they will be the next form of currency)
  10. the fallacy from doomsday preppers is that they will be safe on Planet Earth. When shit hits the fan, the only safe haven will be outer space. Why do you think they put billions of dollars into NASA and space exploration? We know that this planet will only last us so long. Off to the next adventure.
  11. I don't think the world will be ending any time soon humans might be selfish idiotic lazy assholes but we have too much self preservation to blow eachother up and also most global disasters will fuck us up way to much to recover from
  12. All those people on the show are idiots. If you are really planning for a doomsday event, the last thing you'd want to do is tell the whole world your plans and what supplies you have. And even if no randoms went after them, at the very least you could expect the NatGeo crew to show up if shit hit the fan.
  13. [quote name='"lilro"']All those people on the show are idiots. If you are really planning for a doomsday event, the last thing you'd want to do is tell the whole world your plans and what supplies you have. And even if no randoms went after them, at the very least you could expect the NatGeo crew to show up if shit hit the fan.[/quote]

    Haha thats true. I think a majority of those people actually want a disaster to happen, like its a fantasy for them. So they prob wanna shoot a bunch of people to

  14. MacGuyver would make a tent and sleeping bag with that shit.

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