3. Too loose. You would probably be better off breaking it up and putting it in a bowl after the cherry falls off a few times. First try? If so, not bad at all, just keep rolling.
That's loose bud. Wen open air folds and creases are easily visible.... That's loose. It's part of learning man! We all had to start somewhere.
Pretty good for first roll I have had some joints that looked alot looser than they really were though
The back pages of a Bible are the best papers in the world. You just have to get your practice in. 4/10. Keep ya chin up.
I've seen way way worse, so I'll say 5. Grab a pack of papers and a bag of tobacco and practice rolling, then start rollin' doobies when you mastered rolling cigarettes.
5. Make your crutch shorter and thinner. pack the weed down with anything before twisting the tip... and as a final act of salvation, if your roll is too loose after all that, give the whole thing a good licking.... not enough to moisten the weed, just the paper, then hit it with a lighter to dry it out... tightens a j.
Haha...there is your first problem. Get some real papers and roll a fatty my man. There is nothing better than smoking that first reallllly good joint, that you rolled yourself. Happy rolling