Dont you wish..

Discussion in 'General' started by Free The BIRDS, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. that you could travel back thousands of years ago, before humans began to change the world, and just travel it butt naked, in beautiful conditions

    Running through fields of tall grass as it tickels every part of your skin. You end up getting your feet dirty in some wet mud as you approach the end of the field. You emerge through the final few shades of grass, to see a beautiful waterfall surrounded by rocks, in natures embrace. You look in the water and see a crystal clear pond-like area to wash yourself off. You enter the water, slightly cold but still refreshing. All kinds of small colorful fish swim in groups around your feet. The thirst you obtained running has just been quenched as you drink the fresh water, out of your hands. After a steady relaxing time there, you're hunger tells you to move on. As you leave the pond, you are greeted by the warmth of the sun. You begin to approach a rather steep hill full of colorful daises, tullips and many other flowers. You admire there colors, but know they are not for eating, and that you have to make it to the top for your meal. You pace yourself steadily climbing thie hill, but even that difficult task is rewarded ever so greatly with slight breezes sent to towards your unshaven anus.
    You make it to the top, and there is all kinds of berries. Your tastebuds and brain begin to melt, as you endulge it a sensory overload, that in a way you feel you deserved. On a full stomach you find a nice spot under a tree and fall asleep

  2. That was beautiful man. I could totally picture that, while smoking a big fat ancient blunt.
  3. Everything OP said plus the fact that I would want to be a minotaur. (half human/half horse)
  4. Naw chill with the naked part. Maybe if they supply me with a hoodie or somethin'.
  5. Actually a minotaur is a crazy bull-lookin thing. You're thinking of centaur.
  6. lol @ unshaven anus.
  7. #7 Freakish, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    I'd rather not get eaten by an animal.

    Just imagine sitting there as a wolf approaches. You turn to run away but three other wolves have already surrounded you. As the first wolf lunches at you, you bring your heel to it's gut and kick it away. Half a second later you feel a something tearing through your flesh. All you can hear through your body is the sound of teeth scrapping across your shoulder blade.

    You collapse to the ground as another wolf bites your ankle and severs your tendon. Laying in the grass, covered in blood you wonder how long until you feel the sweet release of death. The pain is too much and you go into shock. All you hear is static as a wolf walks up on your and takes a hold of your neck. In one quick motion the wolf twists it's head destroying your brain stem.
  8. Thanks for that.
  9. Thank you for sharing that with us OP, twas beautiful, & put me into a mesmorized state :):smoking:

  10. ....:hide:

  11. Seriously, the story was great. But it freaked me out.
  12. That would be great... until you died at the age of 30 from tuberculosis, influenza, infection... get my point?
  13. rofl.
  14. :laughing:

  15. No...........

    The mosquitoes were the size of cows back then.......
  16. I'm always cold. I would want a sweater.

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