and realizing you just broke your ankle? fun times were had by all any blades out there have something broken right now? lets hear about it i was walking down stairs and it was kind of dark and i missed the last stair and took a weird step, flung my pizza and broke my damn ankle insult to injury, my dog ate the pizza...
I thought this thread was about walking weird while your high. I tend to over think the process of walking while I'm cooked and end up looking like a clown doing so. But nope nothing broken, or have ever had anything broken. EDIT: Post count 666
^OMGTHEDEVILISAMONGUSEVERYONESMOKEWEED. I don't like stepping weird either, but I've never broken a bone.
yea sometimes ill step weird and be like "holy shit the ground is gone im gonna die" but then i'll hit the ground and be OOOOOOOOOOK
i was high as shit when i did it, hence the pizza i was about to down myself haha. but idk i'm kinda clumsy sometimes so it may or may not have had something to do with it. i think i'm gonna sell the pain pills they gave me, i hate opiates now
I'm usually pretty coordinated. But I was ripping my bong the other night in my room. Took a fat hit, put it down, stepped backwards, on to a soccer ball, then spun on the soccer ball...and stepped onto a perfect pushup with the other foot; then fell forward, bouncing off my dresser onto the ground. Didn't even get hurt tho
haha nope. soccer broke both of my wrists, trampolines caused me to almost detach a testicle (those springs are a killer if you fall through) now stairs have taken the ankle. idk maybe i should just stay inside and smoke weed all day..
You must have a cruel destiny my friend. Next thing we find out is that, you broke your coccyx while jumping from building to building and ended up squishing at least one of your testicles with your own shoe, while at the same time almost strangling yourself with your own shirt while cleaning the bathroom with frenchtoast sticks and gumbo ladles that belong in a louisiana kitchen alongside the butchering knives that are used to kill the chickens on the farm that you and your family own in rural connecticut around the base of a tv dinner.
haha WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?! as for the coccyx, didn't break it, just chipped it falling off the back of an 8 foot half pipe
lol I think I hurt mine when I was sitting on a tennis net with rollerblades on and someone moved the net ouch aha
what a stupid bone anyway. evolution for the lose... i hear some people are born without appendixs now
If you mean star city, as in the 'noke. I'm reppin you. I don't think ive ever stepped weird, but the grounds moved from where i thought it was, tricky bastard. edit- i dont have an appendix...but it just 'sploded one day, got morphine and dilaudid iv so its whatever, i dont miss it
Yeah dude those were great times. You remember when we got really drunk and went downtown to go to a show that had actually been sold out but luckily for us the stripper on the street corner where we had been about a week before had gotten paid with 13 tickets to the show? I remember how you looked so puzzled when you realized she had gotten 13 free show tickets for payment of sex with a bottle cap and a two piece swimsuit. Life throws alot of garbage at you....its your job to make sure you can catch it all with your smaller hand that somebody had actually taken advantage of when we were serving in the military together. dont worry about it though man, that's another story for another time
haha i was about to say karma's a bitch better knock on wood then i figured out what the hell that picture was of
dude I think this every time I miss a step walking down my stairs at night. I usually dont turn the light on and this happens haha well played sir. I broke some bones in my foot once because of a missed step, that's about it though
Haha well to make you feel even better I also rebroke the bones and some more trying to catch a frog three weeks later. That's how it goes I guess haha