Wont match!!! I am a kind chick I wont hoard my shit, or use my good looks or tits to get guys to smoke me up for free like most of these bitches I always smoke up my guy friends I dont like when my chick friends follow me to their house everytime and never bring money or bud. Seriously most chicks are dumb. Then they act like they are on crack or some shit and are just so loud you cant even enjoy your high.. and I notice some of my guy friends are like that..my one friend he always chills and knows I have bud on me and KNOWS I will smoke it then he has the nerve to call me names like "Your a fucking idiot for smoking all the time" while im smoking HIM up then he never matches, he never throws in. Shit pisses me off. How un-gentamenly of him. and I dont want to confront because Im to nice of a person.
pretty much askin for it if he says that when your smokin him up you are too nice. most people know i wont want to smoke unless the pay me back later
i had a friend who used to want to smoke with me. she'd smoke a bowl with me, then like 20 minutes later she'd want to smoke another. if i said no, id hear non stop bitching until i either dropped her off or gave in and smoked another bowl. she never had weed, and when she did she'd say "i have to save mine i never get to smoke alone" or w/e lame excuse. needless to say i dont talk to people like that anymore, and u probably shouldnt either lol
Im trying to think of a nice way to put it. Hes a real prick. Im scared he might hit me..He scares me sometimes and always randomly shows up at my door...
So stop hanging out with the moochers and find yourself some level-headed people who understand matching and other polite gestures as such.
I notice its usually my high school friends, well actually always Im a senior and chill with all the sophomores because I fucked up highschool and Im in 10th grade classes. all the older guys I chill with are chill as fuck I can just kick back crack some jokes and match up. The little sopomores always knocking on my door. walking in my house and acting like they own shit...They all live down the street and theirs no way to get rid of them...Fucking blows. Their needs to be people like the people on this fourm in my city Lol.
Well to answer the part where he shows up at your door, you should Install one of those slidey things they have in movies and tell him he needs the password to get in.
Id smoke with some people that are more friendly. Id hate to be scared of someone while smoking with them.. He called you a fucking idiot for smoking so much? Thats bs. In the words of Mr.Rager "In My Place No Hate Shall Enter, Living High Up There"
I had one girl at a concert ask to use my pipe. So I thought we were gonna go half and half on it. I packed some of what was left of my stash, just some shake. And then when she goes to load the pipe she's like, "I didn't know you were just gonna pack stems." I look at her......resist smacking her in the face and then tell her if she doesn't want to pack any bud then give me my fucking pipe back and you can just sit there sober. You don't ask to borrow people's stuff and then insult them. If you're out there FUCK YOU BITCH. But meh, weed is really plentiful around my area so me and my friends don't even worry about matching anymore. It's just whoever wants to pack it. Usually we get into more arguments about who wants to pack, not who has to lol. Oh, and your "friend" is retarded, don't smoke him up anymore.
Yea I am actually thinking about having one of my older buddys come chill and when he asks to smoke for my buddy to tell him to match or gtfo Since I couldent do it myself. Essentials..I agree don't ever insult someone whos smoking you up.
wow. i would love to smoke with a girl like you. most girls i know and smoke with have the preconceived notion that weed is some crazy drug, and that its okay or them to act ridiculously stupid when high cause "that weed was so dak, im sooo high hahahah im loud and annoying and i get emotional and cry every ten second". seriously some girls i know cry everytime they blaze. pisses me off. anyways you sound cooler than the girls i know edit: is that you in your avatar??
Yes thats me in the avatar, kinda old pic though like a year ago. and I know I wish I could smoke with a chick like me to. I only know one cool chick and she dosent smoke weed only likes the uppers.