Dont you fucking hate it when...

Discussion in 'General' started by spikeystud88, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. don't you hate it when you waste potential drug money getting your hair cut at a salon?

  2. I don't smoke anymore.
  3. dont u hate it when, for no reason, people purposely pretend they forgot something you told them even though it's obvious that they would remember it.

  4. dont you hate it when people call you out on your dont you hate it

  5. silly me. this should have been obvious by the fact you still frequent a forum founded and based on the use of marijuana. how could i overlook something so obvious?

    don't you hate it when people trade in their chevy muscle car for a toyota corolla but stay on the muscle car forum because they 'like the people there'?
  6. when you're trying to surf grasscity on your phone and it just gets superrr laggy? yeahh. I do.
  7. Don't you fucking hate is when...

    you first wake up and your face feels super dried out and you have eye-booger crusties

    you buy a box of cereal and eat it all in one day

    the bullpen blows a win for your fantasy baseball pitcher

    your roommates leave so many dishes in the sink that there isn't room to wash any of your own

    you barely miss the sunset

    a teacher hands out a time-consuming assignment that does not improve your knowledge or skills in any way

    finally, don't you fucking hate it when WMG mutes the audio on youtube videos! (this drove me nuts with Freaks and Geeks)
  8. Don't you hate it when your sleeping on a park bench in skid row and the cops wake you up, take your booze and beat the shit out of you?
  9. I go nuts, it always seems to happen to me when im in a rush to. Ill be screaming "just beacause the speed limit is 25 doesnt mean you have to stay under it!!!
  10. you get in one little fight and your mom makes you move to Bel-Air
  11. a spat of ketchup soars down your trousers and caresses your testicles.
  12. you go to the store to buy beer and realize after getting there that you left your wallet @ home
  13. why the negative thread?

    ima make a dont you love it when... thread
  14. don't you hate it when people fucking hate?
  15. someone makes a thread completely opposing your own.
  16. True enough. Damn old people, drive the speed limit or 5 over! And a pot hole doesn't mean STOP COMPLETELY, I damn near rear ended you. Just swerve around or don't just slam the breaks down.
  17. I usally just tailgate the shit out of em, somtimes they will pull over to let you pass. It also seems the older they are the slower they go. shit if i make it to my 80s i will be driving stupid fast every where.
  18. lol i also hate when people in front of you make turns out of your lane @ like 5mph because they're paranoid that their cars are gonna tip over or some shit.
  19. when shit like this happens to you



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