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Don't use peat pots

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mjmama25, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. #1 mjmama25, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2012
    When reading though the beginners forum, the number one problem I keep seeing is new growers starting seeds and clones in peat pots and pellets, otherwise known at jiffy pots. DON'T USE THESE!!!! They are the wrong ph for MJ and can cause yellowing, wilting, nute lockout etc in your precious plants.

    Many growers confuse peat pellets with rapid rooters. They aren't the same. Rapid rooters are ideal for starting MJ. Peat basses products are too acidic. It's fine to have peat mixed into soil, but peat pots and peat pellets are a BAD thing.

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  2. I used to use the little peat pots but my biggest issue was when keeping the soil moist for seeds and or small seedlings is that they like to mold on the sides, not all did but enough did to make it where I wanted something that didnt mold. I just use small Solo cups and Light Warrior soil now for seedlings now.
  3. [quote name='"tplat"']

    I used to use the little peat pots but my biggest issue was when keeping the soil moist for seeds and or small seedlings is that they like to mold on the sides, not all did but enough did to make it where I wanted something that didnt mold. I just use small Solo cups and Light Warrior soil now for seedlings now.[/quote]
    Yeah, that's another issue. It's so easy to kill a plant in a jiffy pot with how fast they dry out. Glad you quite using them.
  4. #4 CL4P-TP, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2012
    They are also too dense for good root growth.

    Pellets slow seedlings root growth, and pots cause strangulation.

    They are making them with coco also these days so Ph may not be an issue for a grower, but watering and root health still suffer.
  5. There absolutely unnecessary as well. They suck for just about anything.
  6. I support this, peat pots suck.
  7. Peat pots may suck for MJ, but...nvm, they just suck. There are stories on the interwebz about peat pots stunting the growth of many different types of plants.
  8. I have had problems with peat pots in veggies and flowers, quit using them before growing mj.

    The pellets however have always worked great for me. They dont inhibit root growth from my expierience. By the time a plant gets some size the pellet doesnt make a difference.

    I have changed to rockwool though, just cleaner and easier all around.
  9. I think they create ph swings where the wall of the pot meets the soil, in between wet/dry cycles. seedlings being especially sensitive.
  10. This is so true. They weren't root bound. But I was having such pH issues. I transplanted into plastic 1 gal plastic containers instantly. I'm sure this is the cause of my ph issues. As they degrade they get worse. I b tell older ones have let pH. I put em into very good roots organic soil from my dro shop. Well see how they take. Turned LED off for the night. Jus using CFL. Kinda decreasing the light a lil to prevent transplant issues

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