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dont lose your weed..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chronicgreen, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Today me and some friends were blazin on a hiking trail (it was cold as balls btw :eek:), and i set my baggie next to me on the tree we were sitting on after packing a bowl.about 10 mins ago i checked my pockets for my bud but couldn't find it....Then i came to the conclusion that i left my weed at the fucking park :(:(.Ive honestly never lost my weed in the 4 years i've been was about an eighth of some pretty bomb indica too. I just hope someone came across it and smoked it so it wasn't wasted.

    A tip for my fellow blades, please check your pockets to make sure you have your weed!

    sorry for the dumb post but i needed to vent:p

  2. a tip i have for all blades. when arriving at a place you are going to be relaxing/chill at for a while, note what you have in your pockets.

    then when you're leaving confirm that everything is where it should be. go through what you brought and go through a mental checklist. i have a problem with "forgetting" my grinder everywhere i go, so that tip that i just told you has become my method of dealing with that :)

    happy toking my friend
  3. That sucks man,

    just rack it up as a loss and keep blazing:smoke:
  4. I usually try to do this but i guess i let myself get too distracted.ill definitely be more careful next time :wave:
  5. I smoke out on my balcony out of respect for my wife and kid and the other night I was packing a bowl with a bag of decent weed (inbetween mids and dank but hey gets me high). Out of no where the wind whipped up right when I was hitting the bong and whooosh almost an 8th + baggie went flying off my table and into the night sky (14 floors up).

    It really sucked but the good thing is I have a few oz's that I pull a bag from as needed:hello:.

    I think I'll start using my tin from now on LOL.
  6. Son, what's going on. I just lost some bud today (but not nearly as much as you did, like .3 I think). If understand your pain.:(
  7. Ive had weed blow away while rollin a j outside.shit sucks least you have more handy:smoke:
  8. i think every pothead will lose some of there bud eventually.i give props to the few who somehow miraculously don't.

    there will always be more weed man

    keep tokin:smoke:

  9. went down to the beach last week and a friend and i walked to the end of the jetty, found a little niche in the rocks, and began toking, but i had a 2.3 gram nugget we were going to share and i dropped it in the crevice :( now some fish or homeless person is probably chowing down on the thing thinking its some hairy broccoli :confused:
  10. I've done the same while... taking long walks.

    In fact every time me and my buddies would take those walks we would always make a point to blaze at one certain spot, which happened to be a gravestone in a cemetary. Every single time we spilled some of our bag.

    So the one time I lost my bag I logically went back to that spot to look for it, still in the walking mood. I couldn't find it but luckily while diving into the ditch to avoid detection (if you don't get what I mean by long walks disregard that last) and landed right on top of my lost bag. It was a friggen miracle.
  11. Only time i ever lost weed was when the baggy was chilling inside a plastic bag. Well, i guess my dad saw the seemingly empty bag and tossed it in the trash. Luckily, i figured that that was what happened to it so i went through the trash and found it :D
  12. We always do pocket checks before going mobile.
  13. Me and my mates have this spot we share, one time we got reeeeeally high and everybody was dropping their bud, no shit there was bud all over the ground, a bit more than an eighth of little nugs haha. About a week after that i dropped another bud in the same spot, bent down to look for it and i found it, aswell as 2 other little buds under a leaf :D was stoked haha. Anybody ever found weed? like a bag or something haha, thatd be so awesome :smoke:
  14. I lost 4 grams of some Green Crack before a snowboarding trip I took last weekend. It must have fallen out of my pocked as I was getting into the car, because I was about to light up my bowl about an hour later, and I couldn't find it.
  15. this one time i bought a dubsack of some dank and meant to take it with me to this apartment i was gunna be chilling at for the weekend but when i got there and checked my pockets it was nowhere to be found. i searched for weeks throughout my house and car and never ever found it. for a long time i was worried that my dad found it but he would have said something by now as this was more than two years ago at this point. i now i'll never get that bud back but i just wanna now where the fuck it went hahaha
  16. toke in my room so it never gets lost:smoke:
  17. dudes! i went back to where i left my weed today and it was layin untouched in the same spot i left it:D:D. which is weird cause people walk down that trail all the time and it was dead center in the middle of the trail..

  18. I was at my local park... Very forest-y area... very scenic. I had a quarter on me and when we stopped to toke i set it on the ground and forgot to pick it up... hour later i realized it was gone... it had just started to get dark... i went and found it after eyeing the ground for like 15 minutes with my mini flashlight.

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