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Dont know what to do

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MrSoloDolo69, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. So ive been smoking for awhile and live with my grandparents that think smoking is bad and a sin and all that, but i kind of want to tell them i smoke because i know if i get caught it will be really bad so what do you guys think i should do? Should i tell them or not. And if i do what sjould i say? I know there are prolly other tgreads asking this but i think my situation is different because there grandparents so there older therfore think differently and less open minded. Oh and also they do room-raids so theres a higher chance of being caught. And no they wont watch the union or anything they think its just bad.
  2. Move out. :)
  3. say u only smoke occasionally wit friends n not in the house they might be ok if they dont think u smoke in their house but make sure u dont get caught blazing at home lol
  4. [quote name='"PurpleHazeBruh"']say u only smoke occasionally wit friends n not in the house they might be ok if they dont think u smoke in their house but make sure u dont get caught blazing at home lol[/quote]

  5. dude i live with my grandparents too and theyre religious fucks and hate pot and alchohol total nuts right so i know your pain dont tell them they wont care if its ocasional or whatever just be smart after you smoke always chew gum or something smoke outside and eye drops are your friend
  6. heh, i remember when i was a kid.. good times.. just be careful and sneaky, don't like, come home smelling of weed and body spray with red eyes and you should be fine. i had a love/hate thing with being a stealthy smoker, i would smoke with a sploof and always cover the bowl. and ofcourse there's the after smoke cleanup, you should wash your face and brush your teeth really well. also eye drops. and make sure your eyes dont get low/squinty, it takes some practice but after awile you should be able to mask enough to not be dead obvious.

    and don't tell them unless they already have undeniable proof. being caught by anti-drug fanatics is never a good thing.
  7. I wouldn't tell 'em, but that's me. I don't tell anyone in my family. Honestly, I don't think they'd really care all the much (I'm 22 living on my own). My parents know I've smoked in the past, never even confronted me about it. So I see no reason to burst in their house and say, "I SMOKE WEED ERRRDAY!"

    And... move out. :smoke:
  8. Lmao "they're religious fucks"

    Oh man, I had a solid laugh.
  9. sounds like its time to move out and hold your own man, i was in a similar situation once and i choose my "habit" over being hassled all day over it...once my parent came over to check out my new place and showed up un-annouced right as i opened the door my mom was standing there while i had a fat blunt in my mouth lol there was a fat cloud in my apt and my mom was "looks like we got you at a bad time" lol then they left it felt good not having to hear shit from them or fuss bout it. i mean after a 12 hr work day a man deserves to blaze.wish u luck but you gotta take the first step and live your life not let other rule your ways of life.
  10. #10 sourjello73, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    My mother was and still is so against it. She found out and theres not much parents/guardians can do about it. Now I'm 19 (well, I will be this Sunday :D) and live with my father and I smoke and grow with my father.
    If youre over 18 (which all blades should be ;) ) its not like they can send you to rehab or anything. The very worst situation is that they call the police. If anything, weather you tell them or not, if they find out or not, you're best off just following their rules, don't have weed in the house, don't smoke at the house, and be respectful and don't be high around them. If you can't do any of that, or choose not to, I suggest getting your own place. If you choose to tell them or not is your choice and you know your grandparents and how they will react better than any of us haha.
    I say find a cheap apartment, I'm sure one of your stoner friends wouldn't mind going halfs on rent. :D Its always nice having a roommate to blaze with!

    Good luck with your situation, and remember, family always comes first, respect them.

    Happy tokin,

    this was my post #773 ahaha 73's my lucky number... I have it tattoo'd on me. This is a good post(;
  11. I wouldn't come right out and tell them. That can create a lot of unnecessary drama and tension. Just wait until they ask if you toke, or catch you, and explain that you do it once in a while with friends. Make sure you play it up in a way that does not make it seem you waste all of your time on toking and get nothing done. I have found that with my folks and with my friends' folks, it always works much better to present it like any hobby you partake in after your duties are done.

    If they pull out the "it's bad for you" card, perhaps tell them why you use it (for good reasons) and how it affects you. Even if they are ignorant of its true nature they will probably respond better to your honest, intuitive response over the run-of-the-mill half-assed justification of toking.

    Of course, moving out would be the best scenario. But that is hardly an option for most in your type of shoes...for me, my parents don't suspect anything right now. I go fishing like I do every day and smoke a bowl out there, and return home two hours later.
  12. I would try to ease into a conversation about it and start informing them about marijuana. You say there religious fucks? Find passages out of the bible that talk about marijuana. Inform them that it wasn't until 1970 that marijuana was made completely illegal. Talk to them about the medicinal effects and tell them about the Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS), which is a system in our body that creates chemicals similar to THC and other cannabinoids. Depending on how old your grandparents are you may be able to tell them that cannabis was prescribed as a medicine when they were a kid.

    If you really want to convince your grandparents you need to educate yourself and them and show some passion for the plant.
  13. Tell them it's a cigarette.

  14. If they are THAT against it, they probably havent tried it. They will probably believe you if you say it's a hand rolled cigarette. If you're paranoid enough about it, just buy a tub of tobacco and toss like 1/3 of it away so it's even more believable. I mean, depending how old they are they might believe it:rolleyes:
  15. #15 Storm Crow, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    I wouldn't tell them, but I would bookmark this thread to be prepared for when they do catch you!

    Here is an eye-opening article by an EX-drug counselor-

    When Your Kid Smokes Pot (news – 2008)
    [FONT=&quot]When Your Kid Smokes Pot | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory[/FONT]

    These also may be helpful-

    Are smart kids more likely to use drugs? (news – 2011)
    Are smart kids more likely to use drugs?  - Yahoo! News

    High Childhood IQ Linked to Subsequent Illicit Drug Use, Research Suggests
    (news – 2011) High childhood IQ linked to subsequent illicit drug use, research suggests

    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults (news - 2010)
    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults

    Marijuana May Offset Alcohol-Induced Cognitive Impairment Among Teens
    [FONT=&quot](news – 2010) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Marijuana May Offset Alcohol-Induced Cognitive Impairment Among Teens

    [/FONT] Dr. Jean Talleyrand Says Marijuana Safer than Ritalin for ADHD Teens (news – 2010)
    Dr. Jean Talleyrand Says Marijuana Safer than Ritalin for ADHD Teens - Vitals Spotlight

    12 Year Olds More Likely to Use Potentially Deadly Inhalants Than Cigarettes or Marijuana (news - 2010) 12 year olds more likely to use potentially deadly inhalants than cigarettes or marijuana

    Herbal Remedy: Teens Often Use Cannabis For Relief, Not Recreation, Study Finds (news - 2009) Herbal Remedy: Teens Often Use Cannabis For Relief, Not Recreation, Study Finds

    Characteristics of Adolescents Who Use Cannabis But Not Tobacco (news - 2008)

    Teens who use only cannabis appear to function better than those who also use tobacco (news - 2007) Teens who use only cannabis appear to function better than those who also use tobacco

    Teens Who Smoke Marijuana But Not Tobacco Are Different From Other Teen Groups (news - 2007) Teens Who Smoke Marijuana But Not Tobacco Are Different From Other Teen Groups

    Swiss Study Finds Marijuana Use Alone May Benefit Some Teens (news - 2007)
    Swiss Study Finds Marijuana Use Alone May Benefit Some Teens, U.S. Doctor Disagrees | Fox News

    Are Cigarettes More of a Drag on Teens than Marijuana? (news - 2007)
    Are Cigarettes More of a Drag on Teens than Marijuana?: Scientific American

    No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse (news - 2006) No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse

    Moderate cannabis use not harmful to the brain of adolescents, M R I study finds
    (news - 2006)
    [FONT=&quot]International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    [/FONT] Is Pot Good For You? (news – 2011)
    [FONT=&quot]Questions About Marijuana: Is Pot Good For You? - TIME[/FONT]

    An index of fatal toxicity for drugs of misuse. (full - 2010)
    Alcohol - Lancet 2010

    Alcohol 'Most Harmful Drug', According to Multicriteria Analysis
    (news - 2010) Alcohol 'most harmful drug', according to multicriteria analysis

    Annual Causes of Death in the United States (article – 2011)
    [FONT=&quot]Annual Causes of Death in the United States | Drug War Facts

    [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Marijuana-Related Health Costs Minimal Compared To Those Of Alcohol, Tobacco (news - 2009) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Marijuana-Related Health Costs Minimal Compared To Those Of Alcohol, Tobacco

    [/FONT] Deaths from Marijuana v. 17 FDA-Approved Drugs (Jan. 1, 1997 to June 30, 2005) (report - 2009) Deaths from Marijuana v. 17 FDA-Approved Drugs - Medical Marijuana -

    Report: Marijuana Less Harmful than Alcohol or Tobacco (news - 2008)
    [FONT=&quot]Report: Marijuana Less Harmful than Alcohol or Tobacco | The Partnership[/FONT]

    Merck Manual - Marijuana (Cannabis) (excerpt - 2008)
    Marijuana (Cannabis): Drug Use and Dependence: Merck Manual Professional

    How Safe Are Medical Cannabinoids? (news – 2008)
    [FONT=&quot]How Safe Are Medical Cannabinoids?

    [/FONT] Health care use by frequent marijuana smokers who do not smoke tobacco.
    (full - 1993)

    Proven: Cannabis is safe medicine (news - 1996)

    Regular Marijuana Users Have No Higher Rates Of Mortality, Long-Term Study Concludes (news – 1997)
    Regular Marijuana Users Have No Higher Rates Of Mortality, Long-Term Study Concludes

    For the grandparents- :D

    Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's (news - 2006)
    [FONT=&quot]Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's[/FONT]

    Cannabis compound may stop the spread of breast cancer cells (news - 2007)
    Cannabis compound may stop the spread of breast cancer cells

    Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer
    [FONT=&quot] (news – 2011) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer[/FONT]

    Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007)
    Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

    Active Chemicals in Cannabis Inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell Growth (news - 2009)
    Active Chemicals in Cannabis Inhibits Prostate Cancer Cell Growth

    Marijuana Compounds May Aid Parkinson's Disease (news - 2004)

    Medical Reasons for Marijuana (news – 2011)
    Medical Reasons For Marijuana | LIVESTRONG.COM

    If you need more, click that first link in my sig! :D

    Granny :wave:
  16. Holy fuck that's a lot of articles

    but how old are they like 60+??
    I could probably smoke in my grandparents kitchen and they wouldn't even notice
  17. Honey-child- that is just a small sample of what I have collected! lol My new List is 840 pages of links like that! :eek:

    And kids, I just turned 65 and a lot of folks my age were pot-toking hippies, and would know QUITE WELL what pot smells like- even if they hadn't toked for decades! :smoke: So don't be too sure about the grandparents not knowing about your lighting one up!

    Granny :wave:
  18. #18 treezpleez, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    The way he described them made it pretty clear they probably hadn't touched weed for a long time.. guess I'm not just to knowing anyone over the age of 60 who smokes lol so many seniors in my area are very straight edge right winged

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