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dont know wat 2 do

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrdelta9, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. my buddy needs some weed and i can get from my uncle, but he would only pick it up for me, wat ot do?
  2. Get the money from your friend. Ask you're uncle for some weed. Pay him. Return the weed to your friend. :)
  3. it aint that simple, my uncle will prolly want 2 smoke with me
  4. Pay a little extra for a little more, and smoke with him then. Or make up an excuse. Don't really know what to tell you man.
  5. I don't particularly get where the problem is?
  6. i cant say no 2 smokin or he wont get it, and i dont wanna over chrage and then smoke the diff with my uncle

  7. *sigh*

    You buy your friend's amount that he wants and tell your uncle you want that as a separate pack to save for a rainy day and ask your uncle if he really wants to smoke to front the money for it because you're saving that weed for the weekend or whatever special event you wish to lie about.

    If that doesn't work or you don't want to do it, tell your friend that your dealer is out and thats it.
  8. This isn't difficult. Just do what the previous poster said and you'll be gravy.

  9. this ^

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