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Don't judge weed by it's...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dennisrr, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I'm wonderin if it's possible to have bud that doesn't look frosty and not smell dank, to be good weed.

    Reason why cause I just picked up and this doesn't smell or look like my usual pickups. (Same connect)
  2. yes

    weed is like a box of never know what you're gonna get
  3. Well frosty means it has alot of trichs which means it is very high in THC so I am guessing you can judge it somewhat like that
  4. yeah ona these people i know sells shwag dirt cheap but is just as potent as any mids i ever had, tobad i hate his guts or id buy it from him
  5. I just got a 1/8th of good stuff it didn't look like what i usually get but it is alot stronger than it looks the smell is insane though lol.
  6. Have you smoked said weed? Usually a dead give away from that point.
  7. #7 weednotcrack, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    yeah,i got weed that was low grade and it was better then some bud that was frosty,but i think those frosty bud that ended up sucking balls were harvested too earlier.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Fuck it. Never mind this shit is dank.
    Just tellin' ya'll, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE WEED. (too much)
  9. More often then not skank weed is going to look and smell like skank weed. Dank is going to look and smell like dank as well. The appearance of bud is very improtant to some people. From appearance you can tell alot of things.

    1) color -green/brown/purple

    2) texture
    - wet or dry, dense or leafy and fluffy.

    3) whether is has been kiefed or not
    -very important

    4) color of hairs andcolor of trichomes
    -tell you something about the age of the bud at the time it was pulled and about the nature of the high somewhat -earlier pulled bud is generally got clear trichs while late harvest bud has more dark brown or amber trichs

    - Everytime Ive had killer buds they have smelled killer.

    -This is a deal breaker

    So because of these six reasons I think the look and smell is of utmost importance if you don't have a chance to smoke a sample, say youre bying in a public place. There are standards of quality and If a dealer or a clinic doesnt have what I want then I won't buy it. I used to just say fuck it its weed. but not like that anymore because bud is too expensive and it is too dangerous to grow indoors for me.
  10. Fuck it. Never mind this shit is dank.
    Just tellin' ya'll, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE WEED. (too much)
  11. I feel this because I know of some shit right now...not frosty or hairy but will put you down for real...called tahoe if it rings a bell haha probably made up
  12. HAHAHA. Damn dude I fuckin felt the fuck outta you on that one. Some BUDdy connection there brus.
    We gotta toke someday. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE.

    In the skies...:smoking:
  13. You should be able to tell by the look of the bud. The number of red hairs and gleaming trichomes. The more the better!
  14. #14 hatchplzhelp, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Marijuana Resin & THC
    An Excerpt from Marijuana Grower's Insider's Guide

    Resin itself, or an abundance of resin glands, is not a good indictator of potency. A mj variety may have copious amounts of resin and still be nearly worthless for smoking; another variety may have little apparent resin, but it may be super-potent. This is because much of the resin is made up of inactive ingredients, and the resin might contain mostly inactive cannaboids. Also, the active cannaboids (THC,THCV, etc.) are only necessary in amounts small enough that they may not be major components in the resin. Surprisingly, the few scientific studies that have compared the concentration of resin glands or resin to potency have found that the concentration of resin glands was negatively correlated with the potency (in other words, the fact that a variety of mj is resinous or has a lot of resin glands has little to do with its potency) Experience connoissers actually may look for a non-resinous but very potent variety - who needs cough inducing resin if it doesn't add to the high?

    Also just so everyone knows the resin glands are what the trichs are made up of.

  15. Yea def. I dont judge weed by how dank it is. I judge it by if it gets me high. :smoking:
  16. i feel like my whole life is a lie

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