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Dont get too excited CA residents...

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by bKush, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. source: Bill to Legalize Marijuana is Up In Smoke! -- SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 15 /PRNewswire/ --
  2. damn 24 views but no one has ANY comments???

    come on now this is serious news. no more legalization bill in CA anymore!!!!!11
  3. I read Ammiano or whatever is going introduce a new bill this month or next month, hopefully that passes.
  4. All of this assembly bill bullshit is meaningless, CA voters are 60% in favor of legalize and tax, and there will be at LEAST one bill on November's ballot, possibly multiples.
  5. its only blood money when its confined to a black market operation....

    It would be some religious ex-cokehead to try and fuck over cali's freeple.

    All i can say is that this dude probably only ended up trying coke as a result of him hanging around people who were frequently involved with the black market sale of narcotics.

    Regardless though, im not really sure how even if it would pass would be a massive victory for national legalization, but i guess you should start somewhere.
  6. #6 Indica Kid, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    They knew this bill wasn't going to go further than it did. It was a bill introduced in 2009 and the time limits set on past-years bills make it so only the most important and rushed bills will make it through.

    Ammiano will either introduce another bill, or simply wait for the Cali residents to legalize it via initiative this november.

    The debate within the legislature may soon depart from the typical marijuana debate and quickly become more along the lines of:

    "well the people are gonna make it legal anyway, so if we pass a bill then we can control the conditions and regulations around it's legalization"

    If the debate evolves into this, it wont be a matter of if it will be legalized, it will become a matter of how regulated/taxed it will be.
  7. #7 Kevin08, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Doesn't matter if it does, it still wouldn't be voted on til next year. A bill with this much power must be amended a couple times before it's even put up for debate, much like AB 390 was. But come november, legislators and cops across the country will have no say, as the power of democracy WILL work in our favor! :hello:
  8. 1st of all coke and mmj is two different things that effect you two different ways...if he attribute his coke use to mj then he's stupid cuz mj dont make you do coke, especially if you like weed highs...he did coke cuz he probably weas a follower and they did coke...the issue is just another smear campaign against mmj...the people will demand it and legalization will be our vice grip in the mist of political corruption :smoke:
  9. what i want to know is wether Amiano and his team are going to try and work out a better, clearer, fairer form of legislation that will be tougher to argue against or if they're just going to give up.

    i hope they don't give up... that this was even considered is a HUGE step forward and that it passed at least one committe is even more of a step forward.
  10. #10 Zoom420, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010

    I have a response.

    This article is propaganda. Everyone and I mean everyone including Ammiano himself knew this bill was DOA and in fact it was intended to be DOA. I posted this before the bills demise many times. CA is historically a direct democracy state and we WILL vote on this in November, period. No one in sac is going to budge while the people are working on a constitutional amendment.

    In many ways, we should be happy that we have that power.

    We vote to amend our CONSTITUTION to allow MJ. that is power. And the feds cant do a damn thing about it other than piddly enforcement on their own AT MOST.

    The bills purpose was served. And the bill won. And it is a great day to be a californian!

    4-3 MJ wins out of a californa legislative assembly HEALTH committee.

    Dear Anti pot folks: You cant argue with score board bitches!!! lol

    Hold your heads high! This was a big time win and it WILL pay off.

    MJ is endorsed by the Health Committee in the legislature..

  11. I'm so FUCKING confused. Why is this bad news if residents get to vote for legalization in November?

    I don't get it!
  12. People are just confused. There are two active bills trying to get into the november ballot. One of them was Tom Ammiano. The other is the Tax Cannabis act. Which has enough signatures to qualify.

    I think some people are getting excited about tom ammiano because he is in the fore front. I know some people who are confused between AB 390 and the Tax Cannabis act of 2010.
  13. That's exactly the bad news, we gotta wait til november to vote instead of it being discussed and finalized in the assembly.
  14. exactly what I thought when I read that last quote

  15. yeah, i'm a bit confused here as well... so, wasn't this supposed to be the bill that people voted on in november?
  16. No, this might have been ONE of the bills being voted on in november. There is already one that has recieved enough votes to have the referendum put on the ballet. THat's the tax canabis bill.
  17. So what's the difference betwen AB and Tax Cannabis?
  18. Tax Canabis is going to pass, and AB 390 was a few politicos trying to get get the "revered" status in the cannabis community that some activists have attained
  19. who cares we all knew it wouldn't pass the first time. this spawned a bill in washington as well though, and oregon has one for next year or something. this is just another huge step in legalization, and we will get there someday mates!!!
  20. Some of you people really shouldn't be speaking on politics.

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