Don't get high anymore ?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by purplehazeguy, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Hey guys,

    I recently got a quarter of Sour Diesel, and honestly in One milky hit I was so high :smoke:
    but for the last couple days I've been smoking .4's and felt nothing :mad:

    I was reading on the internet that my body might have too much THC in it, so is there anyway to clear THC from my system, besides waiting 2-3 days ??:(

  2. lol this is the completely wrong section, but your only solution really is to clean your body of thc, its become very accustomed to being filled with it, so you gotta wait a few days atleast if you want the same high you were getting, moderation is key my friend, my suggestion is to wait a week atleast, im currently on a one month break.
  3. T-Break. Even if you can't take a break from smoking for 3 days just try. It's all gonna be worth it in the end.
  4. I've been smoking nothin but the finest chron and trust me, if you don't get high anymore it's a good sign for a tolerance break.

    Just stop smoking for a few days. It's not that hard and if you don't have the self control to stop smoking for a few days you got issues. Exceptions to people who smoke for medical use though.
  5. Yea,a t-break would be good for you. Even just a week or so would do it. Or jsut get nicer glass and more weed :)

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