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Done or not?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Azbud2001, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Nitro express week 7 of a 11 week strain. 20170621_213738.jpg 20170621_213758.jpg 20170621_213817.jpg 20170621_213723.jpg
  2. I see a lot of amber trichs so probably done. You posted in the wrong section of the forum though
  3. Thanks I'll give it a week and go see if it feels out more. I apologise for posting on the wrong form
  4. they're not done imvho.. i like to wait until all of the hairs have not only changed color, but have also fully receded back into the bud, which yours obviously have not.. i also wait until the calyx are nice and swollen, again, yours are not quite there yet.. i'd give them probably another 10 days to 2 weeks or so'ish.
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  5. forgot to say, they look killer though, congrats, just don't mess up this close to the finish line and chop too early..
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