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done drying

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by sonyvaio2, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. i have had my plants drying for 9 days now; five hanging, and 4 now in paper bags. my stems are not snapping as far as the big one go, or the thicker ones. my smaller stems are starting to snap. when i touch them there not crispy, there a little soft, with some dryer crispier parts, my question is , if its normal for some bud to take this long to dry, or if what ive descibed sounds like its ready for curing. thanks :D
  2. Sure, the slower you dry, the smoother the smoke. :smoking:

    The buds on the smaller stems are ready to pop into cure imo, but I would wait on the bigger ones.
  3. I was gonna ask the same question.. My buds seem to be takin awhile to dry as well and the stems are still bending... Will they definately snap when ready or are there cases when the stems done really ever snap.
  4. Yeah, they'll really snap. Seems like you are waiting forever, too. :p

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