Doing my final project on weed (video)

Discussion in 'General' started by rmack, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Hey Guys
    I'm doing my final project for my film class on marijuana.
    I'm doing it with my best friend, and the theme we're thinking about focusing on is a 'the myths of marijuana, and the facts.' kind of thing.

    I found this site:

    with some pretty common myths, but it's kind of poorly written and some of his points are well.. questionable.

    I think we're just going to be recording ourselves talk about the myths, and wether that myth is true or not.. and i'll have some funky transitions and am in need of some ideas, and pictures of some dank bud, peices, anything that you can think of I will be very gratefull!

    help me out with some suggestions!

    Thanks :smoke:
  2. I highly doubt your teacher will accept that as a credible source if you have to document your sources. :D Try and find unbiased websites for school projects, good luck on it!

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