Doing drugs with parents?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by See Emily Play, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Ive smoked weed with my dad once. he asked me a second time but I lied and told him I had no bud. I found out later from my mom that all my uncles/aunts smoked with my dad for his 50th birthday (none of the younger generation attended) So now I know I can smoke with my dad. My mom told me she doesnt prefer it.

    Nothing other then weed has ever been brought up. I hope to find out if they've ever rolled before. If they havent, I kinda wanna introduce it to them.

  2. doubt hes done any designer drugs
  3. I'm open about everything I do with my parents. My mother doesn't do any drugs per say but she lets me make my own choices, however my dad started smoking weed once he knew that I smoked.

    It was weird I guess out of respect for me, but he didn't smoke weed or have weed in the house until he knew that I was cool with it. Now when I'm in town he'll roll up a J or two. Of course we've had talks about psychedelics. My dad took my salvia one time and after I told him what it was he tried it. He has also asked me to get him some shrooms in the near future.

    All in all, I think it is a good thing that I have a chill relationship like that with my parents. It's really great to just blaze with my dad whenever I'm home and talk about shit.
  4. That's awesome, man! Your pops sounds like a really cool dude.
  5. I've smoked weed with my mom and to be honest it makes me really uncomfortable. Especially considering the fact that she has a history of addiction and seeing her high or drunk off of ANY substance is... Aggrivating to say the least.
    But basically the reason I've done that with her at all is because my friends didn't understand why I didn't find it appropriate, and persuaded her to do it with us.
    And I understand what you're saying about the single moms thing. My mom is widowed, and we only ever spoke about or acknowledged drugs and things after my dad passed away. I'm not close with her by any means... Which is probably also why it makes me uncomfortable.

    On the other hand, it's dope to smoke up with my sister. She doesn't ever do it but I did convince her to buy a pipe, and gave her like two grams of some really good stuff I had. She's more about drinking and going out.. And I'm just like, blazed all the time :D
  6. never done drugs with my parents. but i have done drugs with a lot of other peoples parents.
    best times smoking with my 65 friend, his daughter, and his granddaughter. good 'ol family toke sessions.
  7. Erowid has a families vault, there's lots of great info there.

    Erowid Psychoactives & Families Vault

    Alas, but it be only a fantasy to hope one day I could persway a parent of mine to traverse the inner space.
  8. I remember when I used to smoke weed with my best friend and her mum. Her mum had a history of alcoholism, and I was over at their place so much that I got a first-hand experience of what it's like to have a parent who's addicted to alcohol. Not cool, man.

    My friend and her brother thought it'd be a good idea to get their mum on weed, because they figured being dependent on weed was a lot better than being dependent on alcohol. And it worked. Things were really good, for a while.

    But eventually the strain of hiding it from her friends and family proved too much, and her mum went back to alcohol and banned her kids (who were, by this point, dependent on weed) from smoking weed.

    My friend and her brother didn't take it well at all, they felt she was being hypocritical and had no right to do that. A lot of shit happened directly related to her alcoholism and her kids' weed smoking (and other drug use), and it ended up with their mum committing suicide. Addiction can really tear families apart, I can see why your wary of smoking weed with your mum.

    I didn't even consider that Erowid would have a vault on this :) Thanks a lot!
  9. She too was convinced to start smoking weed. She got her card, and I suppose her being high off of that is less stressing than being drunk but at the same time it doesn't really feel any different. Overall I'd prefer if she were just sober and that's it, but to ask that of her is out of the question. In my case, the best idea was to just stop interfering. Which is why I moved 20 miles away :p

  10. Good move, man. We can't control other people's actions, but we can control our own. And it looks like you're going in the right direction to get where you need to be:D

  11. damn your pops is the shit, thats crazy
  12. Smoking weed with my mom is fun, free food and movies. With my dad its awkward and only when were doing mindless physical labor, much like cleaning sewage water out of the carpet.

    Ive told my dad everything ive done, kind of :p.

    Doing drugs with your parents isnt something to brag about, yeah friends who cant think its cool, but in reality its kind of low. Unless of course its a holiday.
  13. This is a good thread.

    My parents know that I've smoked weed (my dad thinks I've stopped, my mom knows whats up) and that I've tried nitrous and ecstasy. They think that's it though.

    I've never seen my dad drunk. He drinks a lot, but not to get drunk and his tolerance is so high that what would get someone trashed doesn't even show in him. Just he and I went to Germany, and since I'm not 21 yet this was the first I was able to legally drink in front of him (which isn't that big a deal, he lets me have beers and stuff at home), and still he didn't get drunk. I've seen my mom drunk once and it was terrible. We went to this restaurant and she drank a bunch of these mixed drinks. I hated it, I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed seeing my mom, the one who made me go to drug counseling and took my car/phone/ipod and shit for like 3 months when I got caught, fucked up.

    My mom is now cool with my weed use because my parents caught me driving reaaaaally drunk once (really bad situation, I had impaired judgement and was feeling sick and just wanted to be home at all costs). She recognizes that its rare for weed to fuck me up too much to drive and that it's overall safer than alcohol. And I'm not the biggest fan of alcohol in general, just not my favorite drug.

    I'm just glad my parents don't know about my psychedelic use :rolleyes:

    So, I know this was all a little longwinded, but to answer your main question: No, I wouldn't do drugs with my parents. Any. Ever.
  14. The first time I saw my mom drunk was at her office party, where she proceeded to be the first on the floor to dance to some really shitty mid-90s techno :confused_2:

    All of her work cronies were drunk and doing silly "parent" dances too, so she probably didn't look too silly to them, but to a sober, self-conscious, pimply 13 year old sitting alone at the table watching her mother "groove" it just wasn't cool..
  15. quite a bit and still drop by for a sesh
  16. I've smoked weed with both of my parents, with my dad multiple times. I'm not too comfortable with it though. I don't even like them knowing I'm high.. I dunno. That's just not how I want our relationship to be. And I'd never do any other drugs with them, nor do I want them to know I've done anything else.

    I wouldn't judge anyone for doing drugs with their parents though, and I might do it with my friends' parents (clarification, just weed) if they wanted. Just not my thing personally.

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