Doing Acid, Soon, Tonight

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Guadalope, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. Ohhhhhh damn, the time has finally come, me, my best friend, his bro, and two of our other close friends gonna be dropping acid tonight:hello: goddamn man.... finally.... Any suggestions, it's night time. Probablly gonna meditate outside and shit is something imma do.
  2. Have fun bro, good vibes ur way!
    I heard about some, "Family" acid, that my buddy got from sterling. Anyone heard of family?
  3. it takes anywhere from 30-1 1/2 hour to kick in so keep that in mind ;)
    and prepare to laugh like you've never laughed before
    anyways good vibes headed your way

    BTW how many hits each?
  4. have fun man, good vibes your way. if youre chillin in your yard, bring a stereo or something out there and get some good tunes going, music makes tripping awesome
  5. watch tim leary's 'how to operate your brain' on youtube. tripped me the fuck out in all ways imagineable
  6. good vibes! :wave:
  7. Hey bro, good vibes your way. Have fun. LSD is one hell of a drug.
  8. ++++++VIBES++++++ to you my friend!:D

  9. Good Vibes

    Tell us everything afterward!
  10. Have fun Guadolope, it will surely be an experience.

    "the family" used to followed the grateful dead, selling and eating a lot of acid on the way..."spreading the love"

    there are still members carrying on the lsd tradition, but their acid varies. There are different colored lsd crystals with varying potency, but ill save that for another post. haha
  11. Sadly it didn't happen my friend had college orientation he had to go to that early in the morning, and I had a job interview today at 10am, had to get up at 9am, didn't want to be tripping balls at my job interview, so I didn't drop acid.:(

    Instead we ripped our bong, and watched Natural Born Killers, badass movie by the way...

    They way I look at it is, apparently it wasn't the right "time" to do this. When the time is right I'll know it.

    But... hopefully they saved me and my friend a tab or two. They said they might, a lotta people are looking to get some, they only have a couple left. So they might sell it before then.

    Cocksuckers better save us some:D If not what ever:cool:. Someday, when the time is right, and the planets are aligned. I shall be tripp'eth thy balls'eth

  12. Ah dude that's a huge boner kill. Oh well, I think you're right in saying that it just wasn't meant to be. Rip the bong like a champion!

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