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Dogs know when you're high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CarbHydrOxy, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Whenever i've just smoked a few bowls my dog is always a little happier and if i just look his way he starts wagging his tail and stuff. Whatdoyyougusythink?
  2. I think your just really high.
  3. I have tested thsi situation many times and i've come to the conclusion, yes. Dog's know when your high and they don't like it. You change. You just sit around and don't talk aynmore. He's dissapointed.
  4. I think youre just really high man ^^
  5. Yeah I dont think dogs know when or not your high my dog never notices I think
  6. Yea, it's called Contact high, they can feel your vibes mang
  7. It depends on how close your relationship with your dog is. If you two are are very close, I wouldn't doubt that he knows when you've smoked, but this isn't anything special about smoking, if a dog and it's owner are very close, the two can often sense small changes in personality or behaviors that would go unnoticed to others. The same way you can tell the difference between "im hungry" barking and "let me outside" barking.
  8. dude idk about you but i love my dog while high. i play with it lmao.. and share my food
  9. its a joke u never saw that commericall ahahahahah good shit dude u made me laugh with that dog comment
  10. i think your dog wants to get high bro
  11. Apparently my above the influence reference was not correct :(.

    Yeah they definitely notice lol. He's usually more playful (or maybe i am and that's why he is lol). I also feel like i undestand what hes asking better haha :smoke:.
  12. My dog apollo totally knows. hell get all like scared almost and he makes me feel like im doing something wrong. like he just looks at me. but than i give him a treat and some hugs and hes all good chillin with me watchin tv.
  13. Oh yeah there it is :wave:.

    Lol im glad someone caught it :D.

  14. dude same!
  15. Cats are better than dogs... That is all :p
  16. Fuck yeah, we're like dog whisperers :cool:.
  17. I get my dog high once. Just once. Now when i pull my tube out he instantly runs in the room and sits in front me lol, you decide whether he likes it or not :D
  18. my dog likes to watch me take bong hits
  19. I know they have a special organ in their nose that allows them to "smell" changes with mood. They can smell the different endorphins and hormones you release, hence, mood sensing.
  20. my dog loves to blaze with me if i got bud in my pocket he usually trys to stick his nose in my pocket lmao

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