Dog Walking Business???

Discussion in 'General' started by K1ngSk1n, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Hello there fellow blades,

    I was wondering if you guys would advise on starting a dog walking business to help fund my toking (and an iPad). I love dogs and think the idea of walking them for quite a bit of money is very nice ;). I have done a bit of research and have found out that I can earn £7.50 per dog for an hour and a half walk. I hope to walk about 4 dogs at a time. I want to get a disclaimer drawn up so that I cannot be sued if a dog bites someone or runs in front of a car and dies etc.

    If any of you guys have any ideas for my business let me know :)

    Happy toking.
  2. I would never, EVER, pay someone £7.50 to walk my dog for half an hour. Just sayin...

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