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dog ate my brownies...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Misc, May 8, 2011.

  1. yeah well i hope he's happy cuz this is the last high he'll ever get

    chocolate's gonna kill his dumb ass
  2. I would cry :-(
  3. animal abuse
  4. Honestly, what is with all these ________ate my brownie threads? I dont mean to be a dick, but seriously look at apprentice right now. It's crazy how many threads like this are out there.
  5. That sucks... How did the dog get the brownies?
  6. I think a small group of people just decided to make up these "________ate my brownie threads" because they were getting so popular. It's sort of like a joke because they happened a lot.
  7. I ate my brownies, I was later high
  8. My goldfish copped some of my brownies.... Such a fiend
  9. those threads are funny, im so high
  10. go to the vet emergency room if you believe your dog has digested a lot of chocolate

    it's toxic to dogs

    like call doggy 911

  11. This is the 100th brownie thread today I swear lol
  12. he only ate a couple and the chocolate in brownies is diluted, so i'm thinking he should be ok

    it takes a lot of chocolate to kill them; i'm expecting diarrhea or vomit though
  13. Be more responsible with where you put your drugs.
  14. My dog loves em, is yer dog a pussy or what?

  15. Give him an hr and hell be asleep if they were decent brownies :)
  16. Can I be your dog tonight?
  17. You serious? Your brownies are more important than your fucking pet's health? Good lord you should not be a dog owner.
  18. ^^^^^ seriously. And depending on how big/small your dog is, he can die. But I guess coming on GC to say that he ate them is more important that taking him to the vet. Smh. I hope this is a joke

  19. it could have been a lot worse
    try to keep it above your head on a shelf if the dog still wants some of it

    and, yes.... i get that this is not enough chocolate to kill.....just be careful


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