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Doesnt weed increase your metabolism rate

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pesito, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I've heard people say it does and other people say it doesnt. I guess the people who say it doesnt are just anti-drug people because if they see the truth that it increases your metabolism rate then maybe a lot of more people will end up trying weed. When you smoke your heart rate starts increasing and if you feel your heart before you smoke and after you'll see that your heart starts pumping way faster.

    So does it actually increase your metabolism rate?
  2. it increases your heart rate which i believe is associated with metabolism. i think yes. cigarettes definitely do
  3. No way to know. There's real lack of research on the effects of mj, and to speculate would just be speculation. So it increases your heart rate, for how long? And when the effects wear off, does your heart slow to baseline, or below that? How does it affect hormone production and your autonoic nervous system?

    There's not a damn way to know the answer to this until someone decides that it might be important to see how an incredibly common drug actually affects our bodies.
  4. No way to know. There's real lack of research on the effects of mj, and to speculate would just be speculation. So it increases your heart rate, for how long? And when the effects wear off, does your heart slow to baseline, or below that? How does it affect hormone production and your autonoic nervous system?

    There's not a damn way to know the answer to this until someone decides that it might be important to see how an incredibly common drug actually affects our bodies.

  5. Im sure the gov has done research and found that it cures SARS, EEE, AIDS, CANCER, and DIABEETUS! (Die-uh-beet-is!). But those fuckers up in washington aint doin shit! (in reality theyre in a bomb shelter wayyy down below like in resident evil 3 i bet....

    damn those government scientists with their futuristic pot plants and medicines...

    (this isnt me bashing the real good stuff about marijuana im just insanely fucked and this crazy shit popped into my head and i ran with it. YE:cool:)
  6. Smoking increases your metabolism. I don't have any profound research on the topic, but I went from 185 lbs to 165 lbs in my first summer of full time smoking. I hung pipe and ate like a horse too, but I don't think either of those had as much of an effect to be totally honest. Yeah, hanging pipe is a workout, but I stopped doing BJJ/lifting/etc right before that particular summer.
  7. I've heard that it increases metabolism. the skinniest ive ever been is when i used to smoke daily. But who knows if that's a real correlation

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