Does weed smoke leave tar in the lungs like in this video?

Discussion in 'General' started by ibradabeast, Sep 25, 2012.


    i know the damage done from smoking weed is so minimal it is practiacally non existent and our lungs re cooperate later. But in this video is a CIGARETTE. but i read somewhere that weed has tar in it too. Is that tar left in my lungs? if so does it stay there. thanks :)

    if it does and it bothers me too much theres always a vaporizer. :hello:
  2. It's def not near harmless. In comparison to a cig yea maybe. If u smoke it like you should breath the smoke in and blow it out withen 2 to 1 seconds no longer. The damage done is more minimal but if held in longer it mats the tiny hairs inside the lungs down increasing your chances of getting bronchitis later on down the road.
  3. Tobacco smoke paralyzes the Cilia permanently which is the bodies natural way of removing Tar and other shit from your lungs.

    Weed Smoke only TEMPORARILY paralyzes Cilia so your body is able to remove the tar and carcinogens.
  4. Marijuana is a bronchial dilator, so while marijuana smoke does coat your lungs with tar, it also helps clean them out at the same time.

    I've heard people claim that this is why marijuana smoke makes you cough more than cigarette smoke, but I can't validate this with any certainty.

    I get light tar build ups when I spend too much time off the treadmill. ;)

    ALSO, as a few blades have stated, smoke in general does temporarily paralyze the Cilia in your lungs, which are responsible for cleaning them bitches out.
  5. Yea it leaves a tar like residue in the lungs. But it can't be compared to the damage of cigs it's not near as bad as cig residue.
  6. #6 Storm Crow, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2012
    There are some major difference between tobacco smoke and cannabis smoke! Tobacco smoke totally paralyzes the cilia (little wiggly finger-like things) that clean out your lungs. Cannabis doesn't do this!

    So with tobacco, the tar and crud stays in your lungs!

    Also the active ingredients in cannabis are not toxic, unlike nicotine.

    Tobacco has been shown to cause cancer. Cannabis?

    {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer.
    (abst - 2007)
    {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer. -- Preet et al. 2007 (1): 4749 -- AACR Meeting Abstracts

    Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007)
    Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

    Effects of smoking cannabis on lung function (full - 2011)
    An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie (the link works)

    Hope that helps!


  7. /thread
  8. Smoking more than like a couple bong hits a day starts to fuck with my cardio after a while. I notice that i dont perform as well on the bicycle (granted its minor). Slightly faster to lose breath, and more mucus and phlegm in nasal and lungs coming up. And a few extra light coughs in the course of the day. However when i vape daily instead of smoking i dont notice anything out of the ordinary with my lungs. I cant recommend a vape enough.

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