Does weed expire?

Discussion in 'General' started by pineapple_xpres, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Does it lose its THC content over time?

  2. #2 ZarTheDragon, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2009
    months keep it in a air tight jar or medi container.

    ive smoked 5 months old weed held in a ziplock.
    still fucked me up :D

  3. THC content is lost much more rapidly through exposure to light, oxygen, and temperatures exceeding 86 degrees.

    If kept in a sealed container in a dark place, it could last for a loooooong time.
  4. Depends how its left out. If its in a jar? years. If its exposed to air, 5 months or so?
  5. check the bag you bought. it should say, "best if used by (date)"
  6. Maybe if you're buying from a dispensary :p
  7. Or the grocery store :confused_2:
  8. Walgreens....:smoking:
  9. CVS :bongin:
  10. SUPER Target...?

    They have everything.
  11. My weed expires after a day because I smoke that shit up...^^your sig cracks me up everytime ! something about those eyes daniel son
  12. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit dude

  13. this.
  14. Should keep for at least a year if it's kept in a mason jar and exposed to little air.

    Yeah... What Hoosier said.
  15. Citgo... I have no idea.
  16. touche

    the smallest touches eh? haha glad you enjoy
  17. sorry about the hijacking by the way.

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