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Does weed cause minor frostbite? Numbness when waking from sleep in tip of dick/hands/feet/legs

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by porschetarbo, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Hi guys, was wondering if weed causes frostbite? Because I am not sure why I have numbness when I smoke a lot the night before and wake up. The numbness goes away in 20 secs, but it is there....should I be worried? It is it just indica or also sativa?

  2. That's not weed man, you might want to see a doctor about that one.
  3. #3 Caddict, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
  4. [quote name="Caddict" post="20813894" timestamp="1414053938"]

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  5. hahahaha, tip of ya dick is cold . medic
  6. Simple answer: no.
  7. No. You need a doctor I think
  8. Frostbite? common man, i really shouldnt have to explain frostbite, especially if your shit is frostbitten, You have some sleep walking issues or something, still to early in the year to get frostbite, unless your like in Alaska or some place.
  9. I don't think you know what frostbite is. See a doctor.
  10. Sounds like a problem with circulation. My moneys on your heart. Go see a doctor.
  11. It does man, when I have the munchies and im chilling in bed and im to lazy to put clothes on the trip to garage fridge sucks when its near or below zero out.

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  12. you smoking poison ivy?
  13. #13 Exhazer, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    but even that Man Vs. Wild tv show, he striped down butt ass naked in the middle of like North Canada or someplace, jumped into a frozen lake and warmed him self up by a small fire with no frostbite. so i think you would have to be chillin out side for quite some time to even consider frostbite. your skin will start to sting like your ears do. so even if he was sleep walking <--lol i think he would wake up. but im no doctor.
    actualy i take that back...there was this guy at my job in Colorado, he comes to work with this massive wound on his thy. he says he fell asleep on christmas lights and one light fryed the living shit out of his leg, it was like a tennis ball size fleshy wound. he says he woke up cause of the smell. lmao. dude thank god i dont sleep like that....ill wake up if some one farted. 
  14. Frostbite is damage to the skin and underlying tissue, from extreme cold. So no OP your low tolerance is not gonna cause you frostbite. Bahahahaha
  16. To the NGCMBL thread we go :laughing:
  17. I don't even know what to say to this. No. No you do not have frost bite.
  18. Is this a joke? That's a serious question, not even kidding
  19. What is this numbness you speak of? That's kind of vague, and you get frostbite from the cold. Are you sure you didn't just sleep on your arm the wrong way or something?

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