I am looking to save some cash and make my stash go a bit longer and was wondering if what I have heard is true do you really use 1/2 as much weed when using a vap? My wife is looking for a more smoke free method of getting elevated and a vap is the way to go for sure but I was just wondering if it really does take a lot less herb to get you there. Thanks in advance.
Short answer. HELL YES Your stash will last a hell of alot longer .2 will get you blasted. Just remember to stir the bowls after every 6-7 hits.
I smoke with my friends in groups of 2-3 each time we smoke and a gram can last us all day in a vap, and we smoke 4-5 times a day.
You're going to want to get a nice vapourizer though. Don't think that all vaps are the same. My friend recently bought a vapourizer, vaporite I think its called for about 80 dollars. The efficiency is poor compared to taking personal snaps out of my bong. On the bright side there is almost no "weed" smell (instead we tend to get a strong sesame smell) and its got to be one of the easiest ways to get your THC fix.
As for recommendations, i prefer the Da Buddha Vape. fantastic vape. There isnt one good vape, there are best vapes for their purposes but there isn't one that stands alone.
My Volcano was one of the best investments I've ever made Just grinding up a little bit and vaping it is so nice, very efficient, very clean. Takes some patience, vape has to heat up and all that, but worth it most of the time (sometimes, you wanna just smoke lol). All IMO... Vapes are just another tool... depends on how ya use it.
It pretty much depends on if you use the vape correctly, and the quality of the vape. With a low quality vape, used badly, you will actually find more herb can be wasted than with a regular pipe or bomb, with a regular to high quality vape, used properly, you will see a huge amount saved. Overall vapes are better in every way, except maybe on the taste front. (Though, having not used a vape myself I can't say whether or not it *does* taste as bad as some people say) My advice though is if you shell out for a vape, try and invest in a quality one. A little extra initially will go a long way in the long run
Thanks gang, + rep for all of you! As for the vap its self I did a lot of looking around and I will be going with the Natural Box Vaper Bros box style vap they are the best box style made and the box is the only kind I like the look of. Again thanks. Wish I would have bought on long time ago.
Check out the Silver Surfer -- I have one and am *VERY* happy with it. It's the slightly nicer model of the Da Buddha. Honestly, though, I've been smoking for ~ 3 years and the vape simply cannot compare to bongs etc. It may fuck you up on a THC level, but you're left kinda wanting to be more "fucked up" (as it only burns the THC, the unique highs from each strain are minimized). I'd still buy a new bong over a vape anyday, but if you like the high from vapes, it'll surely be a good investment. It all depends on the user's preferences.
This has been my finding as well. Neither Silver Surfer nor Volcano has convinced any of my bong-loving friends and I can 100% see why. I'm still a huge vaporizer fan for many reasons; efficiency, lack of smell, health factors, lack of coughing fits (this varies though, some people still cough up a lung on my SSV), and taste as I actually wholeheartedly prefer the taste of vapor than smoke. And while vaporizers will get you high and can easily get you "really" high, there is a definite noticeable difference, IMO, between a bong/combustion high, and a vapor high.
The best way is to start out with tons of vaping then a few big kief covered bong rips... now that's a night ^-^