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Does this method of making hash work?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bubblas, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. yooo i was wondering if i could use this method to make hash and that i'm not wasting a lot of good kief
    [ame=]YouTube - how to make hash[/ame]
  2. hey man I did that once and it totally worked. Last 4:20 I had a 1/4 ounce and i grinded it using the same type of grinder he uses in the video. I followed exactly how he did it. You might loose a bit of crystal in the plastic bag though. and the 1/4 only gave me a gram of hash. I recommend just smoking your crystal in its "powdery form". works all the time.
  3. aight thanks man. i just wanted to know cus me and my friends are buying an oz or two this summer and we plan on making lots of hash with da kief! :yummy:

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