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does this look like 9 grams?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kannabiskid420, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. i just bought 9 grams, or was supposed to get 9 grams, but it doesn't seem like it to me. buds are nice and chrystally, but when i grinded it, i got no kief in the catcher (the person mentioned them being a bit wet still, as they were just harvested). the pictures aren't the best sorry, but any feed back as to the amount would be great :)

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  2. It's really hard to tell from photos, especially without an object (lighter, quarter) for size comparison. This is why it's good to have a scale around.
  3. Take another picture with a lighter next to it for comparison because its hard to judge how big the buds are. But really the only to know for sure is to weigh it out on a scale.
  4. All I can say is WOW

    You can see the fine pattern on the table, meaning its realllly close, and although its hard to tell without an object to relate to - you got RIPPED THE FUCK OFF

    Take it as a learning experience
  5. It's hard to tell without anything for size comparison. It looks short to me, but if they are still somewhat wet, they will obviously weigh more.
  6. i would say no, and i would say please get a scale. theres alot of bastards out there :)
  7. the buds weigh a lot less when there fully dried, he said they were wet so that is not going to look like 9g at all .... it could be 9g but with the moisture and such still in the buds

    dry it and cure it, then weight it ,then smoke it
  8. Definitely doesn't look like 9g to me, sorry dude. Like everyone else has said, invest in a scale so you don't have to worry about things like this anymore :cool::smoking:
  9. hahah,it porbbly is 9 grams,but the bud have heavy from it being wet,so in the end u got riped
  10. hope this helps. Im getting a scale soon, and the guy that i bought it from knew that i was going to weigh it out (as its for multiple people), but my bro left with the scale :(

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  11. IDK it looks like it might be a gram short or so...
  12. any ideas on how to dry it fast?
  13. Not nine grams man,
  14. #14 doobiemonster420, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    get a new dealer.the weed was still wet which means he did a qiuck and shitty job of drying it, it is short and you didnt get any kief which seems fishy. for the future buy a scale or ask him to weigh it out. if he makes up an excuse why he cant, dont buy. never take a dealers word for anything unless (s)hes family or a really close friend

    what did u pay for it and when u smoke it tell us how it is
  15. Could be 9 g's if its really wet still...
  16. If its wet I guess. But small nugs like the once features in the picture are usually .2 - .3. I used to eye ball gram bags and I am usually have a .1 margin of error. But that looks like its short as shit. A quarter should fill the botom of a zip lock bag.
  17. Thats probably 9g because it was just harvested which isnt good because its still wet and definetly not properly cured
  18. even if it's wet it still looks short
  19. eyeballing 9 grams is ridiculous but, id say YES.
  20. does not look like 9 grams

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