Hey guys, i'm new to this forum and weed. I've only smoked up about 4-5 times, and this is the first time i ever bought weed. I bought 3 grams for $40AUD and i don't know if it looks like it. (I'm getting a scale soon, don't worry.) Do you guys this this was worth it? PEACE.
those look like nickle bags. Id say thats a dub there bro. I have the same lighter laying right infront of me too LOL and a piece of bud next to it =P and that weighs 1g and its taller then the lighter
i dont kno if anyone noticed but the first bag doesnt even look like weed. The rest are nugs while the first one looks like shake. Oregeno maybe?
I would say it does. When I buy one grammers they come in bags like that. Look a bit squished, but if I were to buy that as 3g, I would be satisfied.
Yeah be sure to get you a scale. Don't let them jip you out of your hard earned money! Get what you pay for!
Can you post a picture without the baggies? It's kinda hard to tell with the picture quality and the plastic obscuring it