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Does this look like 2 grams of herb?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganja1123, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    It is a shitty picture, but you get idea. It is Strawberry Kush too. Looks way better in close, the phone camera doesn't do it justice. It smells fruity as hell.
  2. If its dense then yes it looks like two grams. Is that a seed on the bottom right of the picture?
  3. no way

    thats like a dub + a dime at best = 1.1-1.3 grams
  4. If that's teh lighter that I think it is, and it's as dense as i think it is. It could be 2g.
  5. Looks dense but not 2 grams. 1.2-5 max.
  6. I'd say 1.5 at most even if it is compact. Still looks good though.
  7. mayyyybe, its hard to tell. squeeze it. if it feels like a rock... then yes its prolly 2g. i had a piece of bud the exact size and look of a 3 dimes stacked on top of one another (dime = currency ha not .5g) and it weighed 1.5 grams :eek: so its very likely
  8. i no the og kush i get that would be over two grams it be like a 1/8

  9. ^^^
    no that should be 1.5're getting ripped off on ur dimes :eek:

    and the pic looks no where close to 2g. maybe .8 def not 2g
  10. i'd have to say no, it looks more like 1.5 if dense. if i were you i'd just buy a scale. i bought a decent one off ebay for $14 that does the job just fine. there are plenty of smaller pocket scales on ebay that will only run you around 8 bucks.

  11. ^^
    ask anyone for a dime they give you .5g no matter the CT a dime is .5g for $ NJ a dime is .5 for $10
    then if you have sum schwag then you might be getting a lot of dry nasty NYC bud for cheap...but if you actually ask for a dime you're getting .5g MOST places
  12. looks like you need to cop a scale buddy

    think about it like this, next time your going to buy a dub, dont and instead cop a scale

    now every time you get bud you will know how much it will weight because gc cant help you
  13. ...... "dime" just means a 10$ sack, has nothing to do with weight
  14. That's most definitely 2g even if it is fluffy.

  15. unless your getting ripped off....of course no matter where you get a dime from its gonna be a dime. it sucks that here in jersey its $10 a dime $20 a dub obviously....

    .5g is .5g no matter how dense or fluffy.

    idk if there was any confusion with my post about my small amount of bud that weighed 1.5g but was the size of 3 10cents (dimes) stacked on top of eachother. length width height and all. anyway, i found that piece in an ounce i picked up. i didnt buy it in its own bag. weighed it myself. just to clear up any confusion if there was anything :)
  16. and oh yeah yes it is super compact. like a damn rock. it it looks like more in real life. and it is literally gods vagina ejaculating strawberry juice.

    like man this shit is awesome. like when i smoke schwag i feel like drunk as well as high. now i just feel high with out drunkness. perfect wow man.

  17. Everywhere I've been, a dime means $10 of weed. If it's dank probably .5g, mids could go from 2-4g's depending on quality, schwag, who knows?

    Likewise, a dub is $20 of weed.

  18. haha are you blazed off of it right now? seem awfully excited hah :smoking:
  19. looks can be deceiving
  20. lol yea thats gotta be 1.8-1.9g. solid nugs though.

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