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Does this look dodgy?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by leaf of faith, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. #1 leaf of faith, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    I received an oz of critical kush 4 weeks ago. It smelled good, it tasted good, & it smoked good.
    However, a couple of days after I got it I noticed that a couple of buds had a few small, pale brown bits, & I started wondering if there was something up with it.
    Initially, i had thought it looked like there were loads of crystals, but after the brown bits i'm wondering if its actually mold/rot/powdery mildew/or something like that...
    I've attached a load of photos, does anybody see anything I should be worried about?
    In total only about half a gram was a light brown colour – the rest was normal.
    I've not smoked any since I found the brown bits - its been sitting in a jar. I've been keeping an eye on it (monitoring humidity, burping every couple of days) & I cant see any change in appearance from 4 weeks ago (dont know if that means anything though...)
    Heres the pics (click for hi-res)
    brown bits surrounded by normal green bits of bud
    Brown bit close up next to normal green bit of bud
    Pic of a bud - a couple of outer leaves look a bit dark
    Close up of previous pic
    Brown bits again + another little nugget where the leaf looks a bit dark (almost black)
    Various pics of buds [& crystals(?)]
    Any advice on whether its ok or not?

  2. #2 leaf of faith, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
  3. Looks like burnt or dead plant matter. Nothing to worry about OP
  4. Sometimes good apples have spots, it's still a good apple.
    U sure? i get a bit neurotic about anything i consume & start suspecting the worse! I've spent the last month considering whether to bin it  :huh:
  6. #6 Applerod, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    I'm not sure of the botanical explanation, but I've seen similar imperfections before and there's only about a 10-15% chance of it being deadly poison. ;)
    It's not deadly poison.  There's nothing in your pics I'd be concerned about.
    I've smoked weed for 30 years and I would be fine with that.   Pick out the little bits you don't like if they are freaking you out. 
  8. smoke that shit
    I'm absolutely sure. The worst that can happen is that it tastes a little different than the rest of your buds. 
    I have some weed that a friend gave me, he stopped smoking and it had just been sitting in a jar for over a year. Over that time, it lost all its color and looked a lot like the brown bits in your picture. Just pale brown, no green there at all. Not gonna lie, I still smoked it. A little dry but it smelled, tasted, and smoked just fine. 
    As long as there's no mold (and I don't see any mold there) I say smoke up. 
  11. looks like a bunch of different buds, most of which looked fine 
  12. thanks everyone. good thing i asked on here instead of just chucking it out straight away  :lol:
  13. Ok, I've been smoking for a while now and have not seen brown spots like that before.

    Could it be a genetic thing, such as humans?
  14. I grow outside in the Texas heat and that happens to me sometimes, it's humidity/heat combination that kills off a small wisp here and there basically that part of the bud died but didn't rot or mold/mildew. You are fine to smoke it.
    Me neither. 11 years & i've never come across it. Thats why it freaked me out
    My first thought was that it was rot. thats why i left it a month - to see if it got worse.
  16. I mean weed is just dried plant matter like oregano or basil or whatever else. Plants sometimes have parts that die and turn brown, you probably have brown bits in the bottles of herbs in your kitchen. It's not gonna hurt you. :p 
  17. #17 SergeantMeowstein, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    I noticed a distinct change in the smell when I inspected a big batch of mold-affected buds, it had turned to something I can only describe as the smell of a moist, stale wheat bread. There were also noticeable bright white dots that stood out from the trichomes in color and appearance.
  18. could be super aids

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
    I've not noticed anything bad about the smell. Not sure what wheat bread smells like though... i can see me hunting some down & having a sniff when i'm in the supermarket tomorrow just in case :lol: . There's definitely nothing moist or damp about it though. I had a hygrometer in the jar & its been sitting at around 58-60 the whole time
  20. that was my second thought after rot  :eek:

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