Does this finger look broken?

Discussion in 'General' started by FartSmoke, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. I'd go get it checked out.

    Better for them to fix it now, rather than having to re-break it a month or two down the road, when it still hasn't healed properly.

    Take it from me...
  2. Even if its broken, if you can still move it just wrap it up like people said and avoid using it. Unless it's like crushed and needs reconstructive surgery that's all the hospital will do.

    I broke both hands behind the pinky and never got treated, one side actually has increased mobility and the other just has a comically large knuckle lol
  3. hold on let me take a look at that for you


  4. still waiting on the diagnosis, this kid looks legit.
  5. go to the doctor bromingo.
  6. if you can bend it altheway without tension its just swollen if you cant bend altheway and it got tension and it hurts it might be fractured
  7. i sliced my hand open and went to the er with no ins. It cost like $700-800.

    i got some painkillers at least :rolleyes:

    for real, go get that shit checked out. what if you need to use that pinkie and you cant. shit's ganna suck

  8. He asked Grasscity for medical advice. unless granny posts somthing in here this guy just might die.
  9. whatd you do
  10. [​IMG]
    I'm going to give you my expert opinion...
    Your finger got all sorts of fucked up yo, so that shit is weak son.
    That one is all fatter then the rest like it is retarded or something.
    Here is a finger splint and 30 vicodin, I would say call me in the morning...
    But my mornings are your afternoons.
  11. Why, so I can help pay for their health care? Screw that.
  12. If you lived in Norway like me, you could just go to the doctor, get it fixed and pay a small bill and you'd be set. None of that bullshit health insurance shit.

    Anyway, I'd go to the Doc even tho you don't have health insurance. That finger could get nasty pretty easily, better have a Doc look at it.
  13. I refuse to go to a doctor. It will be hundreds of dollars that i just dont have. I taped it up really good to my ring finger, and im calling it good.
  14. We can't really help you without seeing how it moves(Does it click snap into place etc). But as someone said they can't do much for a broken finger they just wrap it up so it heals in the right direction. Which you can do at home.

  15. At least be very careful. Keep an eye on it every day to see how it goes. If it indeed is broken there might be bone fragments and if there is and you don't do anything about it, it can get infected and all sort of shit.
  16. If you can locate a free or sliding scale clinic in your area (call your local health department for leads-there appear to be a ton of Christian/Church based free clinics in OK) you could potentially get it treated for a reasonable price.
    If you go to the ER, always check with the hospital social worker for options for low income uninsured.
    Often all or part of your bill may be excused,if you qualify.
    The main risk, to you, is that this might become infected.
  17. RICE and get off the computer. Typing is no good. Take some ibuprofen and smoke up.
  18. I'm subscribing just so I know what happens with this. I can't imagine not having health insurance and being in this position.

    I'm not necessarily 100% against universal health care mainly because I know stuff like this happens and you feel you CAN'T get treatment you know you need

    Def keep it on ice whenever you can and keep it straight. Keep us posted!
  19. 3 days later and it still hurts and is still swollen and bruised :(

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