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Does the smell of weed stick to skin?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by drfish, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. if i smoke shirtless, will the smell still cling to my skin?
  2. Only if you rub it on your nipples

  3. Quoted for truth.

  4. Your nipples also absorb some thc increasing the high.
  5. Nag, just put a shirt on afterwords. You could probably just smoke in your shirt unless you're going to see your parents in like 10 minutes (or whoever you're trying to hide it from)
  6. Your hands and fingers will retain some odor. Use AXE!!!!!!!
  7. If you smoke joints the smell will be all over your fingers for quite some time, and if the air isn't being circulated it will stick to your clothes.

    But OP, I hope you know that you're being too paranoid. Calm down, keep your shirt on, and remember that it's all in your head.
  8. My motto is "no shirt, no smell" but i cant prove this just personal experience
  9. Oh, cool. My motto is "If there's hair on the muff, she's old enough." :cool: Can't prove it, just personal experience.
  10. Joint will stick to your fingers but bong wont stick unless you're hotboxing

  11. The soap, not the tool.... :smoke:
  12. This thread has some of the greatest posts ive read this week.
    And also youre fine to smoke with your shirt on you dont really even have to take it off especially if youre outside.
  13. Weed smoke doesn't STICK to anything like tobacco smoke does. Just go for a walk and it'll come right off.

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