Does smoking weed lead to smoking cigarettes?

Discussion in 'General' started by aKidYouWanaKnow, May 8, 2011.

  1. I feel like most 18-25 year olds that smoke cigarettes have at one point smoked weed, just don't see someone who's willing to smoke tobacco and risk cancer but won't smoke weed. But i've smoked both weed & cigarettes, with weed becoming a daily thing and cigarettes quickly becoming something i never do anymore. I don't even smoke hookah any more, just the occasional blunt
  2. In the circles I ran around, weed and cigarettes went hand in hand. So yes.
  3. Ah, this is the answer I was wondering about. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
  4. weed doesn't make you smoke cigs, other people make you smoke cigs. i was at a GWAR concert at a really small venue where everyone was smoking, and only after smoking a cig myself, did the smoke not bother me anymore.

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