Have had Pax 2 for years and love it. Wondering if the concentrates oven for the Pax 3 and Pax Plus fit in the Pax 2. I mean, the 2, 3 and Plus are identical size and shape, and I've seen a few websites offering the oven for sale as for 2 and 3 but wanted some firsthand knowledge of the situation before spending $50 on it. I did impulsively submit an order for a Plus on sale for $200, but before I open the box I want to confirm if indeed the concentrate oven works for the 2. I can return it if unopened, so I can't take the oven out of the Plus box to try on my 2. Thanks in advance!
I just bought a Pax 2 for $100 off Amazon. After losing two Pax 2s and one Pax 3 over the years, I decided the cheaper alternative was better.