Does our current celebrities impact our youth and society?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Str8Faded, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. Really, what has sexual orientation gotta do with so called self defined gender? I'm just going to peruse some more gay porn whilst you think about that.
  2. Then explain to me what you mean by this because it sounds like your alternative lifestyle and trans issues are to do with peoples sexual orientation and preferences? Attack the family?
  3. It's not for me to explain to you what to think about these issues. I've given my view - they promote such issues with a long term goal of undermining the family. Conflating my point with homophobia and then making a false equivalence with miscegenation leaves me little desire to engage in any further discussion with you.
  4. I dont want you to tell me what I think....I know what I think. I wanted you to explain to me what you meant by your attack on the family quote. I was not conflating your point with homophobia but simply telling you what your linguistics suggest. If you feel that the governments are "promoting such issues" to undermine what I can only assume you mean as a heterosexual family then you need some help Sir.
  5. I wouldn't care if they're killers or rapists as long as they had but those rappers and other celebrities just suck. It's not about art it's about money.
    Lock em up rappers rap fans all those bitches.
  6. You conflated your own straw man homophobia attack with an even more bizarre strawman of inter racial marriage.

    Heaven forbid a government knowingly engaging in some form of policy to undermine society, I can't think of a single example in the whole of history that a government has attempted to carry out such a wicked task. I must have got sidetracked by the sight of Bruce's schlong popping out of playboy.
  7. "Attack"? Really! Your quote about the government attacking the family by promoting "alternative lifestyles" and "trans issues" has nothing to do with the OP! P.S. playboy has naked woman and no dicks so that is another sign you are full of shit! Sorry Str8faded for getting off topic.
  8. My points are all on target but you are very much engaging in troll like behaviour. Driving this off topic, personal attacks, straw manning etc etc. Say hello to my lil friend, mr sock puppet account.
  9. I'm not even sure the vote matters, especially at this point. Just seems the candidates are getting worse and worse.. It's not like Hillary would have been any better.. Either people are so ignorant to their own deception that they blindly vote for enslavement or we know what's going on but know you can't control those already in power... We'd rather support what's destroying us than unite together to make the world a better place for our civilization. It's basically a popularity contest.. Somethings just telling me, we're in a reality show where they use real people to see how long we can last as a society...
    • Like Like x 2
  10. You're right about it's all an control system and an attack on our consciousness but what you're saying has nothing to do with this.. It's an attack on our consciousness cause they want to keep us mentally isolated and imprisoned in our own minds.. They don't want us to discover and expand our consciousness. They don't want us to wake up cause they fear the self aware/ woke.. The self aware/woke could change the world, but we're just "conspiracy theorist" that don't know what we're talking about.
  11. I follow no man got my own plan didn’t grow up with a role model and not lookin for one now.
  12. #32 MrNewbMcMuffin, Nov 27, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    • Other drugs can not be discussed. Please keep the guidelines in mind.
    Because kids are stupid. Everyone I know my age has every drug you can think of before they even turned 18. Being a fake gangster and doing dumb shit seems to be the norm with my generation. I definitely think it's the music they listen to and the people they idolize.

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  13. They only change themselves. Which is the entire world.
  14. I brought this discussion up cause I kinda feel the same way. Entertainment in general just went to shit completely in the last decade or 2. But what's lacking is proper parenting. I understand kids are kids and do stupid things.. We've all been there, young and dumb. But whats advertised today bothers me, and it's gonna continue to worsen.. It's a horrible influence on our society and nothing good comes out of it. It's not just the hip hop culture. I wouldn't have such a huge problem if these acts had talent.. But they don't, they just look like idiots and sound like a garbage disposal telling me they just sold their soul to get where they're at.

    At this point... Labels don't care about talent or if an artist is themselves or real.. They just care about profit and what sells.. I myself, find that a problem. Which also tells me, these producers and managers and what not are fake themselves.
  15. And they're a minority meaning those in power will continue to control the world.
  16. Yeah thankfully I don't involve myself with that bullshit. I'm a diehard punk. Unfortunately most people my age look down on me for it and when I bring up points like yours I get told that I'm a loser for being into punk and metal. I've noticed ego is a big trend among people my age. I stopped being friends with one dude because he got hooked on drugs bad. His already swelled head got even worse and he got addicted to money, which in my opinion is more dangerous than being addicted to drugs because it's not only harmful to the person, but it has the potential to be even more harmful to other people and society at large. All he does is brag about himself and makes up obviously fake accomplishments and goals and people fall for it. In fact, I was treated as a traitor because I called him out when he said he would lose his morals and fuck people over to get money. And now people I've known for years want nothing to do with me. Thankfully I have good friends who share my values and don't fall for the fucked up trends that are so common these days.
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  17. Well, yes. That's how life works.
  18. But it's not how it's supposed to work.. You cool with being a slave? Cause I'm not.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Yes of course that's how life works. But it's not how it should work.
  20. Cest la vie!

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