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Does One Joint Get you blazed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tokage567, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. I might just be smoking some dank ass shit but cmon, one joint?
  2. One average sized joint will indeed get me high
  3. i dont get blazed but i get a funny high like a haha laughing high ahah.
    i feel pretty faded nd music sounds pretty good but cmon noww one joint.
    smoke 4 fat bowls of strwberry cough in a 2 footer nd a 1.4g blunt then tell me if your blazed.:smoke:
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  4. The only time i smoked J's was when i first started smoking, so i didnt really have a crazy tolerance.

    I also stuffed the bud into the already rolled paper, so the J's were always pretty fat.
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  5. #5 Biggs1028, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
    shouldnt one joint get you high? unless its like a microscopic joint.
  6. yea if its not schwag :D
  7. if you have a microscopic tolerance then yeahh of course...
    one joint is a happy feeling high..
    you dont really feel music hitting you as hard.
  8. one joint gets me pretty lifted. even when its 3 of us, we all get a good high. I mean, of course its not like good old bong rips, but still good haha.
  9. 2 jays will get me high 1 jay is funny high
  10. how big of a jay r we talking? one jay gets me high, i use ezwiders 1 1/2.
  11. exactly what canabliss saidd..
    a haha high not a blazed one..
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  12. yea, 1 joint will get me nice, but still to this day I cant get as high as I used to when I first started smoking weed.
    I wonder if people with Alstimers Get Ripped if they smoke daily.
  13. half of a joint gets me stupid. and i have a decent tolerance. i always smoke dank though..that could be the problem
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  14. smoking dankk is not the problem..
    its all up to yourr tolerance..
    i started withh smoking chronic then got bomber nd bomberr..
    neverr bought stress or smoked it..
    dankk all dayy
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  15. either way i get ripped. id rather have my "low" tolerance.
  16. ive never gotten stoned off one joint or blunt, after one i feel buzzed but not like stoned
  17. Are you hitting it right? Lol
  18. You need to smoke more than a joint to get high? I can smoke an eighth the day before and a good joint still gets me where I want to be everytime. Silly weed wasters.
  19. yeahh i wish i still had my low tolerence but then i dont..
    if you smoke too muchh dank and your not used to it ur guna trip so hard nd pass out nd shitt..
    this was the daze i was still a light weight.
    two of my homies were Y.B.A. nd Bake. Y.B.A. is a more experienced smoker Bake smokes butt really dont knoww his tolerance nd me i smoked dank butt i never hit a bong or blunts at that time so we went up to this one dudes house that had a bong nd i pulled out my quarter of silver haze nd started blazin. it was my first time hitting a bong butt me nd Y.B.A. were justt laughin nd chillin.. Bake on the otherhand hit the bong like 3 times(mini bong). hes laying on the bed eyes all chinky nd shitt well hes korean no shitt but he was fucked up so we went downstairs nd packed a bowl n this llitlle piece..
    Bake too scared to hit a pip now cause hes so high. were chillin on the couch while bake is rollin around on the ground ahah funny shit.. We left nd went outside to go blaze somewhere else i look backk nd bake is on the ground in the middle of the street.. we try to pick him up nd tell him to wlk but he sits backk down.. so we left nd blazed some more nd got mucnchies from the ice cream man two hours later.. thts when we saw Bake crossing the street wlking towards us ahah..
    this ones already long so ill make it short.. Its always me,Y.B.A. nd Bake.
    This was a little afterr i been smoking the danks for a while.. We rolled a blut of some Cali Kush nd we was chiefin nd on the wayy home me nd Y.B.A wlked to his house al laughing nd shit... Bake had to wlk home by hiself well he didnt make it home for a while.. He called us up all crying nd shitt he was like i passed out n the dessert nd the cops brought me backk home haha we justt all started laughing ahha..
    youll enjoy the storyy when yourr Baked.
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  20. 1 joint to myself will get me giggly.

    1 blunt will get me baked.

    3-4 bowls will do the same


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