Nope, he doesn't. Ron Paul does though. War on Drugs has abused Bill of Rights . Paul adopted the Republican Liberty Caucus Position Statement: * As adopted by the General Membership of the Republican Liberty Caucus at its Biannual Meeting held December 8, 2000. WHEREAS libertarian Republicans believe in limited government, individual freedom and personal responsibility; * WHEREAS we believe that government has no money nor power not derived from the consent of the people; * WHEREAS we believe that people have the right to keep the fruits of their labor; and * WHEREAS we believe in upholding the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land; 1. BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Liberty Caucus endorses the following [among its] principles:While recognizing the harm that drug abuse causes society, we also recognize that government drug policy has been ineffective and has led to frightening abuses of the Bill of Rights which could affect the personal freedom of any American. We, therefore, support alternatives to the War on Drugs. 2. Per the tenth amendment to the US Constitution, matters such as drugs should be handled at the state or personal level. 3. All laws which give license to violate the Bill of Rights should be repealed. Paul sponsored the States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act: Title: To provide for the medical use of marijuana in accordance with the laws of the various States. Summary: Transfers marijuana from schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act to schedule II of such Act. Declares that, in a State in which marijuana may be prescribed or recommended by a physician for medical use under applicable State law, no provision of the Controlled Substances Act shall prohibit or otherwise restrict: * the prescription or recommendation of marijuana by a physician for medical use; * an individual from obtaining and using marijuana from a physician's prescription or recommendation of marijuana for medical use; or * a pharmacy from obtaining and holding marijuana for the prescription or recommendation of marijuana by a physician for medical use under applicable State law. * Prohibits any provision of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act from prohibiting or restricting a State entity from producing or distributing marijuana for the purpose of its distribution for prescription or recommendation by a physician in a State in which marijuana may be prescribed by a physician for medical use. And he's pro-industrial hemp too. He's anti-war, anti-state, and pro-free-market.
based on reading this, i conclude that he knows its not bad, but he has to support what the people want him to support in order for him to win the election so he is going to have to be against it. i like ron paul but there is no chance for him based solely on the fact that he supports the ganja.
even if he didnt support the ganj he is still too much of a change for the small minded people of the country. people want to feel secure so they elect the same bs all the time thinking well it could be worse.. this is why change doesnt happen.
It only seems this way because of human life expectancy. The US Constitution was written to PROMOTE STALEMATE and gridlock in order to prevent radical changes from happening over night. Things change, it may not happen in your or my life-time....but change will slowly come along. It is a definite problem though, in my opinion that the people here in America think of everything as two-sided. seriously pisses me off. It's always either good or evil, bad or good, etc. That is the problem i have with our party system, wtf, why only two choices? It's like someone giving a multiple choice test with A. and B. and yet we accept it.....
Yeah, fuck the 2 party system. Why can't we have a multi-party system? It's not written in the constitution or anything... ...there are many parties...they just don't draw much attention.