Does MJ grow in the woods like in tennessee?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by stevenralston66, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. does marijuana grow like in the woods in tennessee?
  2. If you can find a place with enough sunlight, it will grow anywhere
  3. Like yeah.
  4. I live in Tennessee... where can i find this so called wild marijuana?
  5. MJ can be grown in Alaska, we grow a shit-load in Canada so it sure as hell will grow in Tennessee.
  6. r u talking about wild bud? if not normal weed witll def grow in the forest if u plant it
  7. Yes, I'm growing in my woods and I live in Tennessee lol. Seem to be doing great. Planted 30 plants, got 22 so far, will plant about 50 more soon. :)
  8. If the world-famed Honors Course is celebrating its 25th anniversary this week as one of the most genteel places on all the earth, that means it was about 30 years ago, on a late winter's afternoon, that four of us went for a walk in the woods.Sam Woolwine and I drove up to a pretty old farm in Ooltewah and met Jack Lupton and Pete Dye so we could be let in on a top-secret project.
    Tennessee Alcohol Addiction Treatment

  9. That is fantastic. Do you know what time Rodney McBaggins will be arriving for his celestial celebrating? I have missed the epic each of the last 3 decades and will end myself should I miss it again.

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