does little sleep make anyone else very irritable?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheCokeBaron, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. seriously, when I don't get enough natural sleep (meaning when my body wants to wake up.. so maybe if I need to get up early for class, or if someone calls me and wakes me up and I can't fall back asleep) everything makes me irritable that day and I get annoyed so easily.
  2. Sorry but...isn't this common sense? :laughing:

    Pretty sure it makes everyone irritable :p your body needs rest....8 hours of sleep to be exact....6 if you're older. I get horribly grumpy when I don't get much sleep...luckily I had a friend tell me that if I woke up irritable it would ruin my day, which is true. So instead I try to brush it off and listen to some good music and just deal with it because there is nothing I can do about it at the time.

  3. I don't know.. not really common sense if you ask me, everyone is biologically unique. Me and my best friend get along perfectly on everything, have the same opinions, like the same stuff, etc. almost the same, except one huge thing i've noticed is that he can do just fine in 4-5 hours of sleep and his mood is still neutral-ish, and mine would be completely off the chain in terms of being annoyed at little things. Same way, my mom is more irritable when she has less sleep and my dad is pretty normal, you wouldn't even tell he didn't get enough seeing how energetic he can be sometimes.

  4. Its best for 18 year olds to sleep 9.5 hours. :smoke:
  5. depends, if i'm already up and about then i'l just be incoherent

    but if i'm trying to sleep i will throw everything at you within arms reach.
    I don't know why but people seem to have an awesome ability to make loud noises just as I'm drifting away.
  6. does for me
  7. not really for me.. i mean, if im going 3 days with no sleep at all then yeah im gonna get a bit cranky. but everynight i probably get 4 hours of sleep and work 50 hours a week.. and i'm not irritable at all. it's life man.. it's gonna be stressful, why let it get to you?
  8. if i dont get enough sleep ....i wake up tied to a bed someplace.....with no idea how i got there.....

    and get told some fucked up stories bout how i got there!!!!!:eek:
  9. I need at least 16 hours of sleep otherwise the days are too long.
  10. I haven't slept for a week.

    Because that would be too long
  11. Mitch Hedberg is the shit! RIP
  12. I'm a mushroom cloud laying mother fucker when I dont get enough sleep.
  13. no, i usually sleep ~10hrs a week and work a full-time labor intensive job.
  14. yeah, i need like 8 preferably 10 to feel rested. I dont get any where close to that, and i feel like shit, and tired all the time.
  15. I love my sleep... anything under 8 hours and my day is pretty lame and for sure makes me grumpy.

    But I always get 9+ hours lol :D
  16. I have been getting only 6 hour sleeps all week. Starting to feel like I have aids, but I'd like to think that I haven't been irritable.

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