Does it suck for everyone...or just me???

Discussion in 'General' started by Special Ed, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. man today i have no bud, and it sucks. seems like when i dont have bud im always bored out of my mind. does everyone else feel the same way when they dont blazE? i smoke everyday and when i dont i cant ever find shit to do.

  2. Kinda. I havn't smoked for 1 week :)() Tonight i get bud though. :)
  3. this f*cking 4th of july weekend messed me up, i was supposed to get paid today:mad:
    now im broke so it really sucks, no gas, no money for beer...dam i cant wait till tomorrow
  4. well i always stuff to do, my fun factor isn't soley dependent on weed. I have alcohol! :p
  5. my days been the same. I would have bud but my buddy and i got ripped off today :mad:.
  6. sucks dood i feel ya, luckily i havent cleaned my sherlock in awhile and i was able to get a marble size resin ball, which im bout to smoke :mad: turns to :D

  7. How so?
  8. We were off to get a 1/4 pound which we split on, We are waiting around for the guy to show up just sitting at a park. He shows up and says he needs the money first. We dont belive him so ask him to give us something to hold onto untill he gets back so he threw us his cell phone. We waited for about an hour and he didnt come back. We turned on the phone cause we were gonna start calling people to see where he went. The cell phone wasnt on a plan or anything it was just a little cheap cell phone with no service :mad: bad move on our part but we've been dry for almost a week now except for a bowl we smoked yesterday which was just a collection of shake we found around are rooms.
  9. Yea I hear that it sucks ass dude.

    On erowid boredom is listed as a withdrawl sympton for the fine herb if your habitual so its not just you.

    500th post :hippie:
  10. I seem to go on cleaning sprees when I'm not high. If I abstain for a night or two, you will be able to eat your dinner off my kitchen floor. So I guess I'm saying that I fill my time and tend not to get bored. :smoke:

  11. How much did you lose?

    I'd never fuck with someone I haven't known for years on a QP...I mean shit thats alotta herb and alotta trust.

    The one dude I've known long enough to trust like that would actually front me a qp without batting an eye.....
  12. Shit that sucks but you have to admit it was a cool scam.
  13. Yeah we never saw it coming. It was akick in the pants but I never expected anything like that to happen. Anyway we got this guys name and next time we see him we are going to try and persuade him into repaying us

    I lost 400 and my buddy lost 350, A qp usually goes for around 800 around here so we thought we were getting a deal and we figured this guy can't do to much without his cell phone.
  14. yeah...your not getting that money back my friend......its either 1)already gone 2)its gone

    yeah i lost 50 bucks one time....motherfucker...i got drunk that night anyway but i got really pisssed....
  15. yea im well aware my moneys gone but im not one to lose 400 and forget about it so im gonna give this guy a peice of my mind for sure even if he gives me nothing ill fell better afterwards.
  16. how do you think i feel . iwent to my dealers payed 30 and he told me it was 2.4, and i didnt take back 6 at all or anything, and i wasnt even high at the an idiot, gotta go back. im lit now though.high.
  17. I think you should feel lucky. did you even look at the posts? I lost 400 dollars not 5 or 6 ao i think you should feel lucky that it wasn't worse
  18. damn mike, who was this?

  19. I was thinking over a g lost so thats not so bad.

    The worst I've been ripped was around .5-.7 off on an o that was about 20 over the norm good shit tho and the dude admitted he couldn't resist smoking a j of the shit so he smoked me out later.

    Another time I lost 50 to a dude grabbing me an o of mids cuz I asked him to hold it and well it ended up in a nasty boggy swamp area neither of us would go in upon chase.

    Pretty damn funny actually...we're nearly neck an neck and I just tell 'em to drop the shit proper so he lets it fly right into a god damn smelly marsh that not even the analist of pigs would bother going in.

    I'm sure the random life in that scummy pond of shit were partying for a good week or two...
  20. that dealer needs to be castrated post haste..

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