Does iso/salt take away the color

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by helloeveryone420, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. My bowl absolutely needed to be cleaned so i did it, but I feel like the colors aren't as vibrant as when I first got it. However, it's also possible that since I got it so long ago, i don't accurately remember how it initially looked. Does iso and salt cleaning take away color? Maybe the color changing glass just changed back because the resin was cleaned out? I'm no expert on glassblowing, but I hope there wasn't a layer of color I removed by using iso and salt. Am i right that it permanently took away color or no? Thanks for any input

  2. I still dont like using salt though. I think it puts micro scratches into the glass you cant even see just by looking at it. Pieces ive used salt on get dirtier much quicker versus pieces i dont use salt on. Salt is just an aggitator anyway. You technically dont need it. Just soak the pieces for a long time, theyll come out squeeky clean everytime.

    just my 2cents
  3. i dont think iso and salt mixed together would be abrasive enough to cause scratches or remove color.

    dry salt would be abrasive if pressure was applied to it. mixed with a liquid like iso? unlikely


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