does heat from HPS mean better potency than low heat from LED grow?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by groundswell, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. #1 groundswell, Jun 17, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    my local hydro store swears canna need heat. are LED lights less productive in potent buds than HPS or MH?
  2. i use HPS and my plants are potent but i doubt more potent than if i used LED but certainly not less potent
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  3. In general terms, LED lights produce more secondary cannabinoids than HPS lights. This is because LED lights can be designed to produce a wider range of wavelengths of light, including blue light, which is essential for plant growth and development. Blue light also helps to promote the production of secondary cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD. HPS lights, on the other hand, produce a narrower range of wavelengths of light, which is mostly red and yellow. While red and yellow light are also important for plant growth, they do not promote the production of secondary cannabinoids as much as blue light does


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  4. No but my LEDs are plenty warm as well
  5. stable 'medium' temperature is what plants require, 77f/25c about that is fine any excess heat above that required from anyplace is detrimental to growth, the opposite is true to little results in stalled or no growth
    many here use HPS in winter to save on switching on a wall heater

    next visit ask the guy what he did before he worked in a grow store, it'll be revealing

    good luck
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  6. Not an expert here. Not like i have not tested a few thousand plants in the past.
    This is a very good debate warmer temps produce stronger thc. To be clear warmer temps were talking about room temps and in f or c degrees and not light warmth as in spectrums .
    Temps over 90 f will slightly degrade thc and sharp step down higher temps looser buds falling apart unwanted looking . Hope this helps the debate .
    Now led over hps. Ow god here we go !!!!!!!!!!! Did i just make a shit storm here .
    Depending on the led being usd there not all equal. China led with a full spectrum . Now i am talking about quantom boards not the new bar lights or purple . I never really got into purple they always hurt my eyes so i never used them.
    Slightly higher thc then hps 5 % higher . Same can be done with mh lights . Keep in mind i am not taking about the brand new leds that have ( ((( IR)))))) IR there is a debate on it making much stronger thc. I have not used any . I stepped out of the game a wile ago prices for this is at all time low and growers are resorting to breaking laws to stay in business thants another story i wont break any laws . Not worth the rick at my age .
    Now full spectrums keeps a tighter spaced plant . The snow looks more sexy . Im sure there are people killing it with these new ir leds in super strong thc strands . Again im not sure i now let somebody else do the work. Its 50 to 60 a ounce here ! Why wants to deal with that bs ?
    Is it worth running that mh and hps like 600 and 600 bulbs nope. Do 400 watts of mh for 4000 watts of hps its worth it then. IDK my opinion stated there were be many i really want to hear from a IR led grower
    Here is the shit that is going on here. Im not saying why there doing this but to stay a float some growers ship it out of state .
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. I use led but everything I have learned is that more heat means more water transpires, what Ventilation are you using? Use co2 and you can reach higher heat without hurting the girls.
  8. You're talking about 2 different things. Light spectrum and heat. Both are very important.

    LED's provide a better overall spectrum of light than HPS and use far less electricity.

    The optimal temperature according to Dr. Bugbee is 25-30C or 77-85F. If more temperature is what you need a small heater does the trick. The advantage of the HPS is that it's basically a light and heater in one. But sometimes an HPS can create too much heat. Then you need an a/c which means you're just throwing money away with electricity. An LED and heater combo gives you more flexibility, especially if you combine it with something like an inkbird temp controller.

    The shop guys are right that your crop needs heat, but it doesn't really matter how it gets it. A hps or heater will work all the same.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Nobody said. Most grow shops do not sell leds. Only hps . LOL. why they push hps so much.
    I just cant see anybody in a personal grow dripping cash on a hps system I seen hps equipment in the trash here the scrap guy takes them.. My area anyways most people stopped growing its not worth it with prices so low.
  10. Hello bryan, just wanna say please consider growing again, you really get cleaner bud to smoke making it yourself. Do you know what is going into the stuff they sell us from dispensaries? I don't have any true proof of it but I know a little on how big grows go, don't trust it.
  11. To answer your question . NOPE. i do not trust the dispo after working in the industry I have seen molds chemicals Today they are finding fentenal how ever is spelled . in weed .. A friend of mine grows for me. Its 100 % organic . He is a living soil nut . I know nothing about living soil please nobody ask lol.
    He wont charge me . Its a retired employee of mine . I just bring the drinks food other things for us
    Yeah im on a 12 pound lifting limit sorry to say . To many pins in the spine to play with plants .
    I almost planted some autos outside this summer. Just house plants here. I grown my share .

  12. Real sorry if I salted any wound there asking to grow again. No intention of that was made. I use living soil also so I'm happy your friend is providing you the good stuff. Glad for this forum, happy to be here.
  13. Nope i took it positive . Thanks for looking out . And you are correct.
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  14. #15 groundswell, Jun 25, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
    Hi Sticky Beard. Im in east coast Australia, was on west coast where the grow shop said HPS are needed. I can see heat is needed for chilli grows but needed to confirm for canna.

    I usually use a 150mm (or 6inch) centrigal fan and 6 inch carbon filter with "air exchange system" as my grows these days are micro (1.8 foot by 1.8 foot scrog) or planning a 3 ft, by 2 foot scrog. 150mm is a bit excessive for micro grows but it also suited my 72 clone vertical grows years ago, using a single 600 watt hps. -which a setup i called "72 virgins"'- was about 1.2metre by 1.2 square meter bookshelves, about 900 mm high, 60 cm from bare hps bulb to each clone, four bookshelves, four levels, top 3, all contain 3 rectangle 9 litre perlite pots, two clones each pot, on front side facing bare an octagon shape..Bottom shelves of each 4 shelf had old buckets for water/nutrient run to waste..
    Yielded between 35 and 38 ounces off one 600 watt bare bulb, my record yeild with hps, personal record for my 1.8 ft by 1.8 foot, 209 watt COB home made led is 8 ounces, usually 5-6 ounces..

    I often wondered if the grow shop was right, hps make more potency..i remember one grower using only metal halides of around 5000 kelvin to up to 10 000 kelvin to get more trichomes but he said 10 000 k was too much after a test.
    But he swore MH are better for resin production than HPS.

    With any hps grows, i needed to cut a hole in the ceiling for air exhaust with leds i do not need the hole and on west coast aus i grew all year round. was in north west Australia near Carnarvon and heat there is major up to 53 'c in summer but my leds did not stop all year.

    Here on east coast aus -winter is so cold and i can see why people switch to HPS for winter grows.

    Here minimum prices for probably crappy strains and PGR crops is $2300 a pound where as up to $4000 for good strains that i grow. or sold in ounces for $350- 400,... $200-300 for bushys and crappy PGR grown. so still worth growing here in Australia but people saying in the newspapers legalization is coming, which will either be legal for home grown or only legal for government crops and illegal for the average home grower.

    Im betting it will be illegal to have homegrown and only legal for government crops and sold in specific shops all signed to buy government crap..
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