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does having a mmj card prevent you from being chp?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by TheZodiac, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 TheZodiac, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
    basically im about 20 right now and in college just got a mmj card and have been smoking a bit. im wondering if i dont renew it and stop smoking should i be able to get a job as California highway patrol?
  2. Maybe this is a dumb question caues maybe you really want to be a cop, and thats fine, but

    If you smoke buds, why would you EVER want to be a cop?

    And you could still probably be a cop and have your card while continuing smoking. After all that card is just saying that bud is your medicine.

  3. yeah i dont really see a problem with it.

    and i kinda doubt i could at the same time because it doesnt legally protect you during the hiring process (which means i could still not be hired because of failing a drug test even with a mmj card)

    (from california btw...)
  4. Well then i would find out if you can have it while getting the job.

    To be safe i would stop and get clean for the initial test but then you could be fine to renew the card.

    I wouldnt know tho cause im not a cop and dont have my MMJ card.
  5. The employer has the right to not hire you becuase you use cannabis even if it's your medicine.I know,it's ridiculous.But i think if you become a highway patrol officer, as you said,cleaning out your system,passing a drug test,then having the job,you'll probably get way with using medical cannabis because your already hired.It be a dick move on their part if they fire you for using medical cannabis.

  6. the only problem is that you get polygraphed so even though i could sober up and pass a drug test they'd ask me how many times ive used it and that could be a major problem... lol

  7. Holy crap,i didn't know they didn't that!:eek:

    well,then you gotta train your mind to control your heart rate so you can pass the polygraph :D:laughing:
  8. Firsties - cannot discuss any other substance other than MJ on GrassCity, so please remove that second question there.

    Secondly - Yes, you most likely would not be able to be a police officer with a MMj recommendation. You would fail your drug tests and you cannot use your recommendation as a defense per current state law.

  9. my bad man i didnt know that part was removed
  10. #10 209, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011

  11. if that passes ill be all set by no means do i plan on being high at work (medical user for asthma and insomnia) but it would be a relief to not have to worry about getting drug test and getting fired for legal medicinal use.
  12. lenos bill will not cover you. cops carry guns. if you had to shoot someone and had thc in your system every one looks bad.

  13. that's alot of pressure to put on one dude

  14. im not worried about smoking then. realistically i wont be. just worried that smoking now could prevent me from getting the job in the future.
  15. for sure for sure
  16. If your planning on becoming a cop then don't plan on smoking for a long time. They get pee tested for several years after they get the job as well as when they are hired.
  17. Good luck passing the polygraph test.

  18. lol im not worried about it because ill tell the truth, im moreso worried about their policy regarding amount of usage.

    its still possible i wont end up trying to be chip, but right now thats my backup plan (if i cant find work in my field once i get my b.a.
  19. I would also be worried about whether or not confidentiality laws apply for state cops. You're definitely going to be given a background check and extensive other checks, right? Is there anything that bars them from checking whether or not you have a recommendation through CA? Are those records available to the police department? If you get screened through the state and they find that you have a dr's rec, you won't even have to fail a drug test to get fired. I imagine they'd fire you on spot, just for having it. (And they have every right to under current law)

    I'd say that being a cop is probably one of those professions in which it's extremely risky (on the verge of stupid) to consume cannabis while employed. You're going to have to give up the herb if you want to be a cop, bro. That's just the way it is. :(
  20. i'm not so sure about cops hating medical marijauna users THAT bad,there's gotta be SOME cops out there that have a medical marijuana rec.,i just know it

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