Does drinking orange juice with your exo really make it better?

Discussion in 'General' started by JoshP, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. I've been rolling with people who have, and they seem just the same, and I downed a bottle of Sunny D, and it was a regular roll.
  2. Sunny D is hardly orange juice...more like orange 'flavored' sugar water
  3. It doesn't have to be Orange Juice it just has to have Vitamin C.
  4. Yes, but unfortunately there's a huge difference between naturally occurring ascorbic acid, like that found in real oranges, and non-naturally occurring vitamin c, like that in orange 'flavored' drinks
  5. pwnd!
  6. ?

    the difference is occurring naturally in the occurring vitamin c dont you understand?
  7. I'm sorry what?

    Naturally occurring vitamin c, ascorbic acid, like that found in oranges and many other citrus fruits, is more readily absorbed and put to use by the body. Vitamin c, like you can buy at Wal-Mart, or that which is added into drinks like Sunny D, is nowhere near as easily absorbed and used by the body.

    This is why any nutritionist or doctor worth their salt will tell you to get all of your daily vitamin C intake from natural sources, rather than supplements (although there are a few vitamin c supplements that are nothing but ascorbic acid, but they're expensive).
  8. Yes vitamin c does help you roll better over all, but downing a bottle of it, is just bad.
    I use Vitamin C pills, OR or MOST liquid drinks with Vitamin C has 100% vitamin c, while the pills i use are 1870%.
    To much look might cause a stomach ache, or even make you roll "less" because of all the liquid.
  9. lol jk
  10. It's an urban myth. Some people say that Vitamin C (more specifically some real orange juice can potentiate the trip. But, there's no scientific proof for this.
    Vitamin C doesn't affect your roll, but it can help prevent the possible neurotoxicity from the E.

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